Sunday, June 30, 2019

6-30-19 What is our ID?

Scripture   Matthew 16:13-19
I would guess that some people here do not know what denomination this church is.
I would guess that some people who know, don’t know very much about that denomination.
I would guess that people who know some things, could use a refresher.
          It is important that we remember our identity. A part of our identity as Christians does have to do with the church we choose to associate with. So here we go:

As American Baptist, we believe that the Bible is the final authority and trustworthy for faith and practice. It is to be interpreted responsibly under the guidance of God’s Holy Spirit within the community of faith;
That the Church is a gathered fellowship of regenerated believers, a sign of the coming universal reign of God;
That the freedom to respond to the Lordship of Christ in all circumstances is fundamental to the Christian gospel and to human dignity; and
That witness to Christ is the ongoing task of every Christian and of every church.
Within the larger Baptist family, American Baptists emphasize convictions which direct our special task and ministry.
We affirm that God through Jesus Christ calls us to be:
:who claim a personal relationship to God through Jesus Christ;
:who follow the Lord in believer’s baptism;
:who gather as a believer’s church;
:who share in the meal of the kingdom known as the Lord’s Supper;
:who honor the priesthood of all believers; and
:who live their faith as visible saints.
A Biblical People
:who affirm the centrality of Scripture in our lives;
:who pursue the study of God’s inspired Word as a mandate for faith and practice; and
:who seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit for the understanding of Scripture, while respecting the common interpretation of Scripture within the community of believers.
A Worshiping People
:who gather regularly to praise God;
:who receive nourishment by communion with the Risen Christ;
:who share an open and public confession of faith; and
:who believe that personal devotion brings vitality to corporate celebration.
A Mission People
:who strive to fulfill the Great Commission to make disciples;
:who invite persons to receive salvation and follow Christ;
:who engage in educational, social, and health ministries;
:who seek justice for all persons; and
:who provide prayer and financial support to sustain a worldwide mission outreach.
An Interdependent People
:who affirm the Church’s unity as given in Jesus Christ;
:who gladly embody in our practice the ministry of the whole people of God;
:who recognize God’s gifts for ministry and honor all offices of pastoral ministry;
:who live and work together “in association;” and
:who bring the free church tradition to cooperative and ecumenical Christianity.
A Caring People
:who care for the needy, the weak, and the oppressed;
:who care for the earth and for all its creatures;
An Inclusive People
:who, gifted by a variety of backgrounds, find unity in diversity and diversity in unity;
:who embrace a pluralism of race, ethnicity, and gender; and
:who acknowledge that there are individual differences of conviction and theology.
A Contemporary People
:who have a remembrance for the past and a vision for the future;
:who are committed to religious liberty and to the separation of church and state;
:who call our present world to make Jesus Christ Lord of all life; and
:who trust the Holy Spirit for insight and power to live in the present age.
We further believe
:That God has called us forth to such an hour as this;
:That we live with a realizable hope;
:That all things are held together in Christ;
:That all creation will find its ultimate fulfillment in God;
:That we shall see the One whose we are; and
:That Jesus shall reign for ever and ever.

If I gave a quiz on the material you just heard, many of us would fail. Why? Because that covered a lot of ground related to who we are as American Baptist. However, to remind yourself, you can google that and find it all on the American Baptist Website or more easily find it all in today’s YouVersion live event.

I wonder how you would label your ID. If someone said, who are you/ How would you respond? My name is Jeff Cooper. OK, you have a name, but who are you? Well I am 59 years old and live in Oregon, Ohio…Oh and I am a pastor…Ahhh I am also a husband, father, grandfather, brother, uncle, son-in-law.  But who are you? Ummmm I am also a play director, a very average golfer and a boat captain.  I am a board and card game player, I am a mower of lawns and washer of dishes.
Do you see how this could go on for a very long time for every one of us when we list the things we DO. Listing the things we do may show some of who we are but the things we do are not the same as who we are. Who are you?
I am a human being. OK that is a good start and very true. I was created in the image of God. Yes, go one. I am a sinner who often decides I can live my life better than the God who created me. Now that is truth. Anymore? I am saved by grace through Jesus Christ. I am a human being who has encountered the living God who has promised me eternal life.
I am a Christian ~ I am a praying, blood bought, Spirit filled, Bible Thumping, Pew Jumping, Devil Stomping, Overcoming, Jesus Praising, From The Dead Raising, Greater Works Than These, Redeemed by The Blood of the Lamb, Saved, Sanctified, Amplified, Child Of The One True and LIVING God!
No matter how you say it - when asked, who are you, I must answer in someway that I am a sinner redeemed from my sins for eternal life by God’s son Jesus Christ!
          Notice that is not something we do - it is something Jesus has done that causes us to be who we are in him - that is our identity.

Now, I did not give you a quiz on our American Baptist identity, nor am I quizzing you about your personal identity. However, Jesus gave an identify quiz and I Believe if he were here he would give the same pop quiz to each one of us. Let’s watch it unfold…
Matthew 16:13-19
It begins: When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi…
Caesarea Philippi
Situated 25 miles north of the Sea of Galilee and at the base of Mt. Hermon, Caesarea Philippi is the location of one of the largest springs feeding the Jordan River. (Source of the Jordon - important)
This abundant water supply has made the area very fertile and attractive for religious worship.  Numerous temples were built at this city in the Hellenistic and Roman periods.
Apparently known as Baal Hermon and Baal Gad in the Old Testament period, this site later was named Panias after the Greek god Pan who was worshiped here.  Pan, the half-man half-goat god of fright (thus “panic”), is often depicted playing the flute. This city, which was known in ancient times as Panias. Why is that important to know? Jesus was rarely near this location and I believe he was intentional to give his quiz in the heart of where foreign false gods were worshipped and at the source of Jordan river that brings life to the entire area.

When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, (POP QUIZ) he asked his disciples, "Who do people say the Son of Man is?"
14 They replied, "Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets."
15 Jesus had to be thinking: “Well, that isn’t what I was hoping for…all those guys are dead and where they spoke on God’s behalf, they were not God?” He tries the more direct approach with quiz question #  2:” "But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?"
16 Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."
Now it was time for Simon to get his grade, and if this were on a 100-point scale Simon is about to get a 150 for extra credit:
17 Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. 18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.  19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."

    What happens when we get Jesus ID correct? 1) we are blessed! 2) We are encouraged! 3) We are part of the greatest movement the world will ever know, and in that movement,  we find our identify which takes us back to the beginning of this message…the identity of Jesus reveals itself through us as we are built into His church.

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