Saturday, December 24, 2022

12-24-22 “What will this week be?”

Scripture                                                    XXXXXXX

John 1:1-3, 14 (GIDEON)

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.

Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. (That is what Christmas is about, when God became one of us). We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. (He was born in Bethlehem and his name is, Jesus)!


Matthew 1:18-25 · The Birth of Jesus Christ

Sermon by James W. Moore
The Christmas Promise: God With Us     Jewell Woodard
Matthew 1:18-25

G. K. Chesterton, the noted British poet and theologian, was a brilliant man who could think deep thoughts and express them well. However, he was also extremely absent-minded, and over the years he became rather notorious for getting lost. He would just absolutely forget where he was supposed to be and what he was supposed to be doing.

On one such occasion, he sent a telegram to his wife which carried these words: “Honey, seems I’m lost again. Presently, I am at Market Harborough. Where ought I to be?” As only a spouse could say it, she telegraphed back a one-word reply: “HOME!”

This is precisely what this classic passage in the first chapter of Matthew does for us… it brings us home:

Home to the real meaning of Christmas

Home to the most magnificent truth in all of the Bible

Home to our Lord’s greatest promise

Home to the reason we celebrate Christmas

Namely this - “GOD IS WITH US!”

When we accept Christ into our lives, nothing, not even death, can separate us from God and His love. “God is with us” that’s what Christmas is about. “God is with us” the great people of faith have always claimed that promise. Just think of it:

Moses, caught between the Pharaoh and the deep Red Sea in a seemingly hopeless situation, believed that God was with him and he went forward and trusted God to open a way and He did!

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego went into the fiery furnace, into a seemingly hopeless situation, and they trusted God to be with them and He was!

Little David… stood before Goliath. What chance could a small boy with a slingshot have against this giant of a warrior? But David believed that God was with him and it made all the difference!

Now, it’s interesting to note that when the writer of Matthew’s gospel wanted to capture the meaning of Christmas, the meaning of the Christ event, the meaning of Jesus in a single word, he did a very wise thing. He reached back into the Old Testament, pulled out an old word, dusted it off, and used it to convey the message. The word was Emmanuel. That’s what Jesus is about, “His name shall be called Emmanuel” which means, “God is with us.”

The impact of that Christmas promise is incredible. When you believe that, when you accept that, when you claim that promise… it will absolutely change your life. Let me show you what I mean by bringing this closer to home. Let me underscore three ideas relating to this great promise of God’s presence with us. I’m sure you will think of others, but for now please consider these.


All of us get frightened or scared sometime. Jesus sensed this and consequently He talked about this quite a lot. The words fear, anxious, troubled, fretful, afraid were often in His speech, “Fear not,” “Fret no more,” “Don’t be anxious,” “Let not your hearts be troubled,” “Don’t be afraid.” He spoke words like this often because He saw lots of fears and anxieties in the lives of those He loved.

Some years ago Basil King wrote a book called “The Conquest of Fear.” He prefaced the book with these words:

“When I say that during most of my life I have been the prey of fear, I take it that I am expressing the case of most people. I cannot remember the time when a dread of one kind or another was not in the air. In childhood it was the fear of going to bed; later it was the fear of school; later still a feeling of dismay at the amount of work to be done before night. And then there’s the mother afraid for her children, the executive afraid for the business, the clerk afraid for his job. And there’s the fear of failure, the fear that someone will do us harm, and the fear that we may lose what we love most. In one form or another, fear dogs every one of us.”

But then along comes Christmas with the great promise that calms our fears and enables us to celebrate life. Emmanuel. “God is with us.”

Phyllis Martin, a schoolteacher in Columbus, Ohio, tells of the day when the storm clouds and strong gusts of wind came up suddenly over the Alpine Elementary School. The school public address system blared tornado warnings. It was too dangerous to send the children home. Instead, they were taken to the basement where the children lined the walls and huddled together in fear. She said the teachers were worried, too.

To help ease the tension, the principal suggested a sing-along. But the voices were weak and unenthusiastic. One child after another began to cry. The children could not be consoled and were close to panic. Then one of the teachers, whose faith seemed equal to any emergency, whispered to the child closest to her, “Kathy, I know you are scared. I am too, but aren’t we forgetting something? There is a power greater than any storm. God will protect us. Just say to yourself, ‘God is with us,’ then pass the words on to the child next to you, and tell her to pass it on.” Suddenly that dark and cold basement became a sacred place as each child in turn whispered around the room those powerful words, “God is with us,” “God is with us,” God is with us.” A sense of peace and courage and confidence settled over the group.

Phyllis Martin said, “I could hear the wind outside still blowing with such strength that it literally shook the building, but it did not seem to matter now… Inside the fears subsided and tears faded away… When the all-clear signal came some time later, students and staff returned to the classrooms without the usual jostling and talking. Through the years I have remembered those calming words. In times of stress and trouble, I have been able again and again to find release from fear or tension by repeating those calming words: ‘God is with us!’ ‘God is with us!’” (Thanks to Rod Wilmoth for this story.) When we are frightened, we can claim that great Christmas promise. That’s number one.


There are lots of lonely people in the world who need desperately to hear the good news of Christmas.

Her name was Margaret Waage. It was Christmas Eve. After getting off her typing job at noon, she stood dejectedly in the crowds waiting for the subway train. Margaret had worked by herself all morning, since all her fellow workers had been given the day off. Many people around her were talking happily about their trips home to their families. Some had little children with them. It all made her feel so sad and blue. She had no home, just a rented room, no plans, no husband, and no children. And in that moment Margaret had never felt more lonely.

But then suddenly she heard the crystal notes of two flutes interweaving. Down the platform were two young girls playing Christmas carols. In their serene young beauty, they looked like angels in disguise. Margaret added her quarter to the pile of change in their open flute cases. The train came and went, but she lingered, fascinated by the people who came forward to drop coins, even bills, into the flute case. Most were shabbily dressed, but their faces seemed alight with happiness. These were the poor -- the people Christ had greatly loved.

On that cold, noisy subway platform they were joined, without knowing one another, in the great Christmas feast of love… that Margaret had lost sight of… in her own self-pity. Finally she heard the girls play “O Little Town of Bethlehem”… and she found herself remembering the words:

“O Holy Child of Bethlehem
Descend to us we pray.
Cast out our sin and enter in
Be born in us today.”

And suddenly there in this bleak subway station, everything changed! Margaret described it like this: “Of course I had a Christmas feast to go to! The Lord’s Supper at church that very evening. Of course I had a home and family. Our Lord said, ‘For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them.’ (Matthew 18:20) Of course I had a child! The Holy Child could be born in me every day as I sought to love Him above and beyond anything else. I took the next train feeling warm and contented. I knew that those two young strangers with their flutes had given me a magnificent Christmas gift. They had put Christ back where He belonged – in my Christmas, in my life, and in my heart, and I didn’t feel lonely anymore.”

When we are frightened and when we are lonely, we can claim the Christmas promise of God’s presence with us.


It seems like it would be easy to feel the presence of God when we are on top of the world and all the breaks are going our way, but actually the reverse it true. God is never nearer to us than when we are hurting. There are two reasons for that… First, I think we are more open to God when we are in need; and second, I believe God is like a loving parent who wants especially to be with His children when they are in pain.

Recently I was with some friends who are experiencing a very difficult and grievous situation and they said, “This is so hard to take. Our hearts are broken, but we’re going to make it because God is with us as never before. He is with us giving us the strength.”

Some time ago I ran across a powerful true story that has both sadness and great truth in its message. Possibly, some of you have had a similar experience. An 85-year-old woman with a large family had a crippling stroke. As a result, she was unable to speak, unable to walk, and unable to care for her basic needs. Reluctantly, her children placed her in the care of a nursing home. She was there for 5 years, mostly content. They had no indication that she even knew them when they came for visits. One Christmas season the family was gathered for their family Christmas celebration. They decided to reenact a tradition of their childhood and gather around the piano to sing carols.

After they had sung a couple of Christmas carols, one of the daughters suddenly said, “Let’s go get Mom.” Two family members drove to the nursing home and brought Mom back to the house. Swiftly they wheeled her to the piano and they began singing carols again. When they came to Silent Night, they could not believe what happened. Their mother, who had not spoken a word in 5 years, started singing Silent Night along with them. It was amazing.

The daughter telling the story described it like this: “mom was singing, too. Her voice was soft, but she was on key and she knew the words. Everybody was stunned, but they kept on singing. They smiled at her and she nodded. They sang other carols and she sang them all. It was a moment of incredible warmth and joy, blessing and almost magical beauty. Even when she couldn’t recognize the faces of her own children, even when she seemed incapable of laughter or tears, the songs of Christmas faith were still alive deep within her spirit, well below the frost line of illness and loss -- the Christmas carols survived.”

Deep within her soul, the songs of Christmas faith were alive and well, and somehow miraculously she was able, as the Christmas carol puts it, to “Repeat the sounding joy.”

I think I know why… I think it’s because each one of us has deep down in our souls...

...An incredible hunger to come home to the good news of Christmas,

...An incredible hunger to come to the manger,

...An incredible hunger to feel and celebrate the redeeming, forgiving, sustaining love of God,

...An incredible hunger to be in the presence of God…

And that is why Christmas is so special because it reminds us that God is indeed with us.

In every circumstance of life, even when we are frightened or lonely or in sorrow, that’s the Good News of our Christian faith. God is with us… Love came down at Christmas.

Luke 2:1-20

And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.

2 (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.)

3 And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.

4 And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:)

5 To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.

6 And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered.

7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.

8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.

9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.

10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.

13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,

14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

15 And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us.

16 And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.

17 And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child.

18 And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds.

19 But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.

20 And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.


Wally was big for his age--seven years old. Everyone wondered what role the teacher would give him in the annual Christmas play. Especially considering the fact that he was also a slow learner. Perhaps he could pull the curtain. To everyone’s surprise the teacher gave Wally the role of the innkeeper. The boy of course was delighted. After all, all he had to learn was one line: “There is no room in the inn.” He had that down in no time.

Then came the night for the program. The parents took their places. Every seat in the auditorium was filled. The children entered singing "Oh come all ye faithful." The lights dimmed. A hush moved over the audience. The curtain opened on Scene One. Mary and Joseph entered the stage and walked up to the inn. "Please sir, my wife is not well. Could we have a room for the night?” Wally was ready for his line. He had rehearsed it all night. He began, there is…and he hesitated. He started over again. There is. . .and again his mind went completely blank. Everyone was embarrassed for him but poor Wally just didn't know what to do. Joseph thought he would improvise and started walking away toward the stable on stage left. Seeing him walking away Wally in desperation called out: “Look, there's plenty of room at my house, just come on home with me."

That seems a rather delightful twist on a familiar story. Over the years the characters in the Christmas story have become clearly defined for us. The issues all seem so clear cut. Herod was a villain and the wise men were heroes. The shepherds were heroes and the Innkeeper--well, the poor innkeeper has gone down as one of the heavies in the story. In our minds eye, we envision him as a crotchety old man with a night cap on his head sticking his head out a second story window and tersely shouting: Take the stable and leave me alone.

But perhaps the innkeeper has received bad press. Preachers over the centuries have had a field day with the poor fellow. But was it his fault that the inn was built with twelve rooms instead of thirteen? Was it his fault that Caesar Augustus had issued a decree that the entire world should be taxed? Was it his fault that Mary and Joseph were so late in arriving?

But you know something; this simple little statement about there being no room in the Inn becomes a symbol for Luke. As he writes his gospel it almost becomes a theme. Luke takes this one line, “There is no room in the inn,” and shows us how this phrase was recurrent throughout Jesus’ ministry. The question that Luke leaves for us is--will there ever be any room for him?


There was no room for Jesus in the economic world. Luke records that one-day Jesus and the disciples stepped off a boat at Gadara. A mad man, screaming wildly and tearing at himself, suddenly approached them. Jesus walked up to the man and asked his name. "I am legion, for we are many," came the response. He was right. This poor, tormented man was so confused, pulled in so many different directions, that he was no longer one personality but many. Jesus then commanded the demons to come out of this man and into a nearby herd of swine. The pigs immediately stampeded and ran off a cliff and were killed. The man was healed.

But what was the response of the community. Did they sing praise God from whom all blessings flow? Did they cry out Praise be to Jesus? Did they build a hospital in the community and name it after the Nazarene? No, none of these things. What they did was to send a committee to Jesus and kindly ask him to get out of town. You see, they weren't so concerned about that poor demoniac man. He had been around so many years that he had simply become a part of the landscape. But what really got to them was the fact that Jesus destroyed a herd of swine to heal him. That was hitting them right where it hurt--in the pocket book. It was quite clear to them that if Jesus stayed around the local economy would be disrupted. What they wanted was business as usual and not some itinerant miracle worker.

So the local delegation asks Jesus to kindly leave. Exactly how they worded this to him we don't know, but I would like to venture a guess. I suspect that the conversation went something like this: Jesus, our lives were doing quite well before you came into town. We don't think that we need you, and we know that we don't want you. So Jesus, do us a favor and go try to save the world in some other place. We have to work too hard to fool around with a do-gooder. You see, there was just no room for Jesus in the economic world.


There was no room for Jesus in the legal realm. The law was cut and dried. It had been codified centuries earlier--all the way back to Moses. The law was clear. And I don't doubt that some of them said that tired old cliché, "They may not be good rules but they’re all that we have.” One of those laws read: Whosoever commits adultery shall be stoned to death. There it was in black and white. It was even one of the Ten Commandments: Thou shalt not commit adultery. They came down harder on the enforcement of this law (at least on women) than any other. But so be it. It was the law. The penalty was death by stoning. There were no loopholes. No plea-bargaining.

Thus when the crowd brought to Jesus a woman one day who had clearly been caught in the act, they were ill-prepared for his response. He refused to join their little lynch mob. Didn't he know the Torah? Oh yes, he knew it, But he also knew something about grace. And that was higher than the law--even the great Law of Moses. The crowd was astonished to say the least. They dropped their stones and walked away but you had better believe that they didn't like it one bit. A person who has had his mind changed against his will is a person whose mind hasn't changed. They didn't do anything about it right away. They were just biding their time. Jesus had said in effect: people are more important than rules. They didn't buy that for one minute. To them the law was the law and it was clear that there was simply no place for Jesus in this whole matter.


There was no room for Jesus in the realm of the religious order. That may sound strange but it was true. People like Annas and Ciaphas already had all of the high positions that were available. Israel had all the high priests that they needed and then some. Who was this new man on the scene who called himself teacher, rabbi. Where did he go to seminary? Who were his parents? Where does he get his authority?

Nowhere is there any hint that the chief priests were accommodating to him. They didn't stretch out their arms and welcome Jesus into their clerical profession. In fact, they did everything they could to keep him out; they weren't about to adjust their comfortable life styles and position in the community because of the claims of Jesus. But it went far deeper than that. They earnestly thought that he was wrong and it was their duty to oppose him. They organized themselves and like politics, religion can also create some strange bedfellows. Their plan climaxed when Jesus was hanging on a cross at Calvary. There was just no room for Jesus in the world of the ecclesiastical.


There was no room for Jesus in the world of politics. Oh, the people wanted him to be King. Some of his disciples became so enthusiastic that they even asked him (prematurely though it was) for positions when he came into power. But Jesus wouldn't play by the rules. He told them that his Kingdom was not of this world. When he rode into Jerusalem and walked into the temple on Palm Sunday, the crowd was prepared for a coronation ceremony. But Jesus disappointed them once again. He refused to play the game of politics: I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine. He shunned the smoke filled rooms and spent his time with people who did not have their hands on the levers of power in society. Oh, they gave him a popular mandate all right. They all agreed that he should be crucified. So his earthly crown was exchanged for a crown of thorns. There was just no room for Jesus in the world of politics.


In Economic, legal, religious, and political realms--wherever Jesus turned there was no room for him. What began first in Bethlehem when the innkeeper turned him away was to become a recurrent theme. Let’s look at us today--to you and to me. Do we have room for Christ in our lives? When the innkeeper was presented with this unexpected situation that night, he faced what I call our universal dilemma. At that point he became every man. Every man is asked: Do you have room for the Messiah?

The fact is that the Messiah comes knocking at the door of our hearts many times in life, in various ways, through various people, in various events. Well, you say, I am not a preacher and I am not a theologian. How am I supposed to recognize these times? That's precisely the point. You are given no more preparation for revelation than the innkeeper that night. He was just an ordinary layman like you. He could have said: If I had only known that this was the Messiah I would have gladly opened the door. But if he had known that, he would have responded out of awe, fear, or courtesy not out of compassion. So the Messiah comes to us just as he came to the Bethlehem innkeeper. Not in the form of a King with his entire splendor, but in the form of people in need--like Mary and Joseph. And whether or not we receive Christ in depends on how we respond to these people.

The innkeeper claimed that he had no room. Isn't the crowded inn a rather appropriate symbol of our lives? So cluttered (not with important things but with things that don't amount to a hill of beans) that there is just no time, no energy, no money, no room left over. There is just no room in our lives for the Messiah.

And invariably, just as in Bethlehem, the Messiah comes to us when we so often least expect him. You'll notice that Mary and Joseph did not make their appearance at the beginning of the rush season but late in the night when the poor innkeeper was tired and irritable after a hard day’s work. Then comes the knock on the door…the unexpected knock of destiny.

So the advent message to us is to watch and wait. Keep our minds and our hearts open for his coming. For the hour approaches when Messiah will come to you and to me. And like the Bethlehem innkeeper we will be forced to make a decision. Will our lives be so cluttered with incidentals that there will be no room for God? Or will we open the door and gladly welcome him in. To the innkeeper, the knock that came that night was just another of a long series of bothersome interruptions. That is how some respond to God in their life. Yes. Take the stable! Do anything; just leave me alone. God knocks at the door of every person. The question is--will there be room enough in your life to let him in.

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