Sunday, October 20, 2019

10-20-19 Mission Impossible

Scripture  Ephesians 2:19-22
          2nd generation Christianity Polycarp  (Slide # 8 & #7)
What was the mission of the early church?
What was the mission of the Platt Mission Church in 1886?
#10 # 11  What was the mission of the new Ashland Avenue Baptist Church in 1896?
#  9    What was the mission of the mobile Ashland church meeting in a borrowed facility?
#12   What was the mission of the Ashland Church that purchased a former Nazarene church across the river from its previous location?
What is the mission of Ashland Church today?
What is the mission of every church that has ever existed?
The mission of the church has never changed – it has and always will be the same for every church. That mission is to fulfill the great commandment and the great commission of Jesus Christ. To first love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and to go in to all the world preaching and teaching the good news of Jesus Christ.
The mission of every church is to love God and love others by sharing the good news of salvation.

But here’s the thing, that looks different for every church but most churches don’t take the time to figure out what that really looks like for them. Most churches just plod through life adding this program or that without any real thought as to how God has made them and where He has put them.

Therefore, the wording of a mission statement should mean essentially the same thing for every church but to reflect who that church is uniquely.  Ashland church has spent 2 years researching, praying, discussing and determining how we might say that so that it accurately reflects who we are as well as give us intentionality how we work out the mission of the church in our place in the world.

We looked at things like our LOCAL PREDICAMENT. What does that mean? What is unique about our location, circumstances and situation? What is it like to be located where we are? The answer to that is different from the answer in a shared facility in Holland or an enormous facility at the corner of Ashland and Woodruff.
We looked at our COLECTIVE POTENTIAL. What does that mean? What are our unique gifts and resources? What are our strengths and abilities? What do we have that can meet the needs of our local predicament?
We looked at our APOSTOLIC ESPRIT. What does that mean? What is our personality? Every pastor certainly adds to the personality of a church but it is a combined personality of everyone who participates in the life of the church.

LOCAL PREDICAMENT                                    COLLECTIVE POTENTIAL
Empty storefronts/ lostness                                    Farm land
Boarded up houses / Indifference                           Library
House disrepair / Theft                                          Schools / listeners
Fire damage / Poverty                                           Parks / servants
Everything established                                          Places for Elder Care
No New housing development                               Good play areas for kids
Traffic (280) No Oregon TARTA                          Hospitals / Selflessness
Factory/Industry                                                   Walking/Riding Bikes
Unsupervised children                                           Church facility
Lots of garbage on sides of road                            Finances / Individual giftedness
Drugs/human trafficking/alcoholism                      Solid Families / preaching
Broken Families/Gun Violence                              Musically & dramatically creative people

Caring, compassionate, joy filled, flexible, welcoming, non judgemental, prayerful, adaptable, people of heritage, growth mindset, fun, devoted, theologically strong.                                                            
19 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God's people and members of God's household, 20 built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. 21 In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. 22 And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.

Building an inspired community
that creatively and compassionately
connects people to Jesus Christ

EXAMPLE OF building an inspired community that creatively and compassionately connects people to Jesus Christ…
Tony Campolo, an American Baptist pastor and college professor was at a speaking engagement in Honolulu Hawaii when very early one morning as he sat in a dingy little cafe. He was drinking coffee at the counter, when a group of prostitutes walked in and took up the stools around him. One of the girls, Agnes, lamented the fact that not only was it her birthday tomorrow but that she’d never had a birthday party.
Tony thought it would be a great idea to surprise Agnes with a birthday party. Learning from the cafe owner, a guy named Harry, that the girls came in every morning around 3.30am Tony agreed with him to set the place up for a party. Word somehow got out on the street, so that by 3.15 the next morning the place was packed with prostitutes, the cafe owner and his wife, and Tony.
When Agnes walked in she saw streamers, balloons, Harry holding a birthday cake, and everyone screaming out “Happy Birthday!” Agnes was overwhelmed. The tears poured down her face as the crowd sang Happy Birthday. When Harry called on her to cut the cake she paused. She’d never had a birthday cake and wondered if she could take it home to show her mother. When Agnes left there was a stunned silence. Tony did what a Christian minister should. He led Harry, Harry’s wife and a roomful of prostitutes in a prayer for Agnes.
It was a birthday party rarely seen in Honolulu – thrown by a Christian minister for a 39 year old prostitute who had never had anyone go out of their way to do something like this and who expected nothing in return. Indeed, so surprising was this turn of events that the cafe owner found it hard to believe there were churches that would do this sort of thing, but if there were, he said, then that’s the sort of church I want to join.

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