Sunday, November 22, 2015

11-22-15 Applaud God

Psalm 100
  Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
2   Worship the Lord with gladness;
    come before him with joyful songs.

3 Know that the Lord is God.
    It is he who made us, and we are his;
    we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving
    and his courts with praise;
    give thanks to him and praise his name.

5 For the Lord is good
    and his love endures forever;
    his faithfulness continues through all generations.

2 On your feet now—applaud God!
    Bring a gift of laughter,
    sing yourselves into his presence.

3 Know this: God is God, and God, God.
    He made us; we didn’t make him.
    We’re his people, his well-tended sheep.

4 Enter with the password: “Thank you!”
    Make yourselves at home, talking praise.
    Thank him. Worship him.

5 For God is sheer beauty,
    all-generous in love,
    loyal always and ever.

My Journey                                                Sherri Wallace

          Yes, I’m a Christian.  ‘How do I know?’  Well, I’m not Jewish!  Why are you laughing?
I went to Sunday School until I was 10.  I even won a Bible for memorizing the most verses.  Why did I stop going?  We moved to California, and …I guess there just weren’t that many churches there.  I did go to Youth Group with my friend a couple times when I was in junior high.  It was a Baptist church, and I liked it…except for that funny, little pool in the corner.  That was weird. 
          “My friend got baptized in it one Sunday, but I didn’t understand it.  I mean, I was 10 when Mom and Dad had me baptized in Virginia, but all the Reverend did was dribble water on me.  I was kind of embarrassed because I was so old.  The other two kids were babies.  But, my friend was the same age as me…13.  I wonder why she waited so long to be baptized.
          When I was 16 or 17, there was this hippie movement happening…they called them Jesus Freaks.  I thought that was mean, but they didn’t seem to think so.  They were always smiling and hugging each other.  One day, one of them walked up and hugged me!  I thought that was nice. 
          She started telling me about Jesus, and how He would fix it so God wouldn’t be mad at me anymore.  All I had to do was say a prayer.  ‘Did I want to do that?’  You bet!  We went into this little room…me and 2 girls…and we started to pray.  Then all of a sudden, they started talking in some weird language.  I think they wanted me to do it, too.  I kept asking God; please make me talk like they are.  I want to be like them.  But, He didn’t.  When the girls stopped praying, they said God didn’t want me, since I didn’t talk like them.  I was mad at the girls…and embarrassed…and I wanted to cry, but I don’t know why.  I just ran out of there. 
          ‘What did I DO?’  I told God, if He didn’t want me, I didn’t want Him either!  And, I got wild and did what I wanted.  I had a GREAT time!  Who needs all those Do Nots and Thou Shall Nots.  Those people reminded me of a dream I had when I was a little girl.  I was down in the church basement, and a policeman was there.  He shot me!  I guess that must be what God’s like.  A big, mean policeman.
          One night, I met a Christian guy while we were ‘cruising the boulevard’ in Van Nuys.  He took me for a ride to the beach.  We just stood there watching the waves roll in.  I love the beach, don’t you?  He started singing, Michael Row Your Boat Ashore.  I sang for a while, but he was super foxy, and I really wanted to make out.  All of a sudden, he said it was time to take me home.  What?  Why?  Christians are mean.
          There was a big church on the hill overlooking my school.  It was called Greek Orthodox.  It was really pretty and I wanted to go to church there, but my Mom said they wouldn’t let me, since I wasn’t one of them.
          A couple years later, I got married to a Catholic, but we didn’t go to church much.  Only when they said mass for somebody.  One time, I brought the Bible my Grandmom gave me, but none of the other people had Bibles.  They just sat and listened.  I was hoping they would read out of the Bible, because, every time I tried to read it, I couldn’t understand it.  I thought, if I was in a church, maybe the words would make more sense.
          We never got our son baptized because my husband was Catholic and I was Lutheran.  (That’s the church I was baptized in.)  I didn’t think it was fair.  It wasn’t my son’s fault that his dad and I got baptized at different churches.  I had this big Family Bible.  In the middle, it had places to write about special occasions.  I wrote our marriage date in it, and the day Shane was born, but the ‘baptized’ spot had to stay blank.  That made me sad.  When Shane was 5, his dad and I got divorced.  I don’t know if he was too old or I was too young…anyway, it just didn’t work out.
          I got married again, to another Catholic, but he didn’t go to church, either.  His family said they were ‘good Catholics,’ but I never saw anyone read the Bible or pray.  Not even at mealtimes.
A couple years later, we had Casey, my daughter.  I asked my husband about getting Casey and Shane baptized.  Maybe a Christian church wouldn’t care if he was Catholic and I was Lutheran.
We started going to this BIG church, but there were only a few people in it.  The choir sang so pretty, and they had Bibles in the pews!  I didn’t see a lot of people use them.  The pastor typed the verses he was using in the bulletin, so maybe that’s why.
          My husband and I talked to the pastor about getting the kids baptized, and he said he could baptize Shane, but Casey could only be ‘dedicated,’ because she was still a baby, and didn’t understand what was going on.  That’s the first time I ever heard of that.  He said, when we get baptized, we’re obeying a command from Jesus.  It had to be something we wanted to do, not just something that was done TO us.
          Shane said he wanted to be baptized, so the pastor told him to bring swim trunks one Sunday, and he would do it.  (This church had a little pool, too!)  I couldn’t see much, but I heard the splash!  Then, the pastor said it was time to dedicate the baby.  We said we had godparents picked out, but he didn’t have them sign the baptism certificate.  I guess they don’t do godparents there.  Christians are confusing!
          I don’t remember much about the pastor’s sermons…just that one was about him being in a rowboat in the middle of a lake when a storm came up.  Scary!  But, I noticed something strange was happening.  Each Sunday, when we would sing out of the hymnals, I felt like crying.  Most of the time, I could stop it, but sometimes I couldn’t.  Usually, I would glance at the words so that I knew what to sing, but mostly, I would follow the music notes.  The times I felt like crying were when I read the words.
          Another thing.  Every Sunday, after the sermon, the pastor would invite us to come forward, but nobody ever did.  I didn’t really understand why, but I wanted to do it.  One week, as we were leaving church, I told God that I would go forward the next Sunday.  But, I was really shy, so He would have to get my feet moving!
          Next Sunday was Palm Sunday, and we were late (arguing again!).  Church had already started, so we followed the kids in as they waved their palm branches.  After the sermon, when the pastor gave the invitation, I stood up (jumped to my feet, is more like it!).  For a split second, I looked at my husband, to see if he would come with me, but he said no.  I guess God was giving me courage, because I didn’t just sit down again.  I walked down the aisle and met the pastor.
Since it was Palm Sunday, the choir was singing a looooooong song, so we sat down to wait it out.  I think I told the pastor that I didn’t know why I was there.  When we stood up, he asked me if I believed that Jesus was born of a virgin, crucified and buried, and rose again the third day.  I said, yes, of course I believe that.  Everybody clapped, and the pastor welcomed me into the church.  (He must have thought I was joining the church, but I don’t think that’s why I was crying through the hymns.)
          That night, the strangest thing happened.  I wanted to read my Bible!  I remember digging through box after box of books until I found it.  When I started reading, I could understand it!  I read and read, and decided to take it to work with me the next day.  I’d been on night shift for a long time, and this was my first day back on the morning shift.  I was testing some electronic assemblies when, who should walk up but the one guy that I couldn’t stand!  Rick was a married guy, but he flirted all the time.  Two years ago, he’d transferred to day shift.  And now, I was stuck with him, again.  I looked down at my Bible and thought; this’ll get rid of him!  I told him that I had dedicated my life to Jesus, expecting him to turn tail and run.  Instead, he said, “Praise the Lord!  I got saved last year!”
          Over the next few months, God used Rick to mentor me.  He told me where to buy a study Bible, so I’d have lots of notes to help me understand it, and he introduced me to Calvary Chapel.  The first Sunday I went, EVERYONE was carrying a Bible!  And, they had notes and highlighting in them, which made me think they really used them!
          The pastor gave an awesome sermon, and every song made me cry.  Rick said that was because I finally understood what the words meant.  I learned that the Holy Spirit was living inside of me, now.  That seemed creepy at first, but comforting, too.
          Rick suggested I listen to the radio, too.  The Calvary Satellite Network was run by Calvary Chapel, and they had lots of pastors on it, teaching us just like the one at the church did.  Book by Book.  Verse by verse.  I listened to that station every time I could!
          One summer day, there was a huge baptism in the ocean at Pirate’s Cove.  There were 10 or 12 pastors doing the baptizing, and lots of people were lined up.  When it was my turn, the pastor told me to hold my nose, and he dunked me.  Strangely, everything went black and seemed to stop.  Then, almost in slow motion, the world started again, and the pastor helped me get up.  I was so freaked out that I said, “Whoa!” and walked away.  As I was making my way back to the parking lot, some lady came up to me.  She said she’d been sitting on the rocks watching my baptism, and she felt led to come tell me that God was going to use me in a mighty way!  I couldn’t stop smiling on the way home.
          My husband went to the church with me, but I could tell he didn’t like it.  Pretty soon, he stopped going, but Shane and I still went. 

          Then, the world fell apart.  I found out I was pregnant with my second daughter, Jessie, and due to the chemicals my job required, I had to go on disability until she was born.   At the same time, my husband lost his job…and didn’t seem too inclined to get another one.  We almost ended up on welfare, but my husband’s family told us to move to Idaho.  They promised to help him find a job and a house for us.  I didn’t want to leave my family, but they had been treating me weird since I got saved.  It’s like they didn’t know how to talk to me anymore.  Maybe a new home in a different state would be a blessing in disguise.
          In Idaho, we went to my husband’s niece’s church, and I got really involved!  Teaching Sunday School, AWANA, lady’s ministry, working for the daycare and being the church janitor.  They even let me set up a church library!  My husband went to church more than he did in CA (I think, because his niece nagged him).  He even went to the men’s retreats.  Things were looking up!
          Later, because of problems the church split right down the middle.  It was the first time I’d ever seen a church split.  I cried and cried.  My husband used that as an excuse to stop going.  Eventually my husband and I divorced.
          The kids and I started going to church again, and I felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders!  It was a different church than we were going to before.  I really liked the new church.  It was one of those where they all carry Bibles.  I prayed, “God, if this is the church you want me in, please show me my ministry.”  And, did He ever!  The pastor was talking about a TV Ministry, saying we had all the equipment, but no one to run it.  So, I volunteered to learn to run a camera.  Two weeks later, the pastor came to me and said they were going to teach me how to direct the whole thing!  I was scared…anything can go wrong on Live TV…but I loved that ministry.
          Then, I got another shock.  They asked me to work at the radio station…the same station I’d listened to in California!  I knew God was ‘qualifying the one He called’
          At the church, I went to a Ladies Bible study, helped prepare and serve the Agape Meal (once a month), packed boxes for the Food Bank, as well as directing the TV Ministry. 
          Then, the bottom dropped out.  The church split (this was the third split since I’d been there plus two law suits). I knew I needed to leave there. I prayed and asked God where he wanted me to go – the new church, or stay with the old?  The only answer I got was, “Wait.”  While I waited, it became clear that he didn’t want me at either of those churches, so I started looking at websites, and made a list of churches to visit.
          I had a ‘checklist’ of things that were important to me, and I kept notes on each church I’d visit.  I thought it would be best to visit each church at least twice, to get a better idea of what they’re like.  In some churches, I’d know that once was enough!  Like the one that told my friend she’d have to sit in the back because she was late.
          Even though I had another church picked out to visit, God steered me towards FirstB.  On the website, I read some articles about blended worship by Mr. Redman.  I was intrigued!  The following Sunday, I walked up the steps to First B.  A man named Mike took one look at me and said, “Do you need a hug?”  I almost cried.  As I made my way to a seat in the back, it seemed like everyone in the church welcomed me!  A sweet lady named Teddy made me feel like an honored guest.  When my friend, Josie sat down, she leaned over and said something to the effect of, “I don’t need to visit here for 2 weeks.  I’m staying!”  I agreed. I still had one thing on my checklist, though. When the pastor began to preach, I thought, “This man doesn’t just know the Bible.  He loves the Lord.”  What a relief!  Now, First B is my home!
Psalm 100
2 On your feet now—applaud God!
    Bring a gift of laughter,
    sing yourselves into his presence.

3 Know this: God is God, and God, God.
    He made us; we didn’t make him.
    We’re his people, his well-tended sheep.

4 Enter with the password: “Thank you!”
    Make yourselves at home, talking praise.
    Thank him. Worship him.

5 For God is sheer beauty,
    all-generous in love,
    loyal always and ever.


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