Tuesday, November 5, 2013

10-27-13 According to the Faithbook, this, then, is how you should pray

Scripture                                 Matthew 6:5-13 (9-13)

Do you believe in prayer and the power of God to whom you pray?

There was a wonderful, elderly, Christian lady. She had very little money and lived in a rundown house, but she was always praising the Lord. Her only problem was with the old man who lived next door. He was always trying to prove to her that there was no God. One day, as the old man was walking by her house, he noticed the woman through an open window. She was kneeling down in prayer, so he crept over to the window to see if he could hear. She was praying, " Lord, you’ve always given me what I’ve needed." She prayed. "And now you know that I don’t have any money, and I’m completely out of groceries, and I won’t get another check for a week." She continued, "somehow, Lord, can you get me some groceries." The man had heard all he needed. He crept away from the window and ran down to the grocery store. He bought milk, bread, and lunchmeat. He ran back to the woman’s house carrying the groceries. He set the bag down on by her door, rang the doorbell, and hid beside of the house. You can imagine how the woman reacted to seeing the bag of groceries. She threw her hands over head and began praising the Lord. "Thank you Jesus," she shouted. "I was without food and you provided the groceries." About that time the old man jumped out and said, "I’ve got you now." She was too busy shouting thank yous to Jesus to pay any attention. "I told you there was no God," the old man said, " it wasn’t Jesus who gave you those groceries it was me." "Oh no," the woman said. "Jesus got me these groceries and made the devil pay for them." She had the right attitude for God.


Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory; Forever and ever.  Amen.

Matthew 6:5-13

          "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.  Last week we recommended not preaching on the street corners – this week the scripture warns against praying on the street corners – so that we do not make a prideful spectacle of our faith.  Put it in the context of the day when the environment was much quieter – no cars or digital noise devices.  Today instead of a street corner – don’t pridefully put your prayers on facebook making yourself look more spiritual than others.  Then how should we pray?

6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.  This is not removing corporate prayer – this is talking about individual prayer that would make you seem better than others.  Is there more instruction about how to pray?

7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.  Even though praying a lot seems spiritual – for the most part, God wants you to get to the point – not like a child who says “can I have this 7 times – instead of once and waiting patiently for the answer. “Can I… huh…can I can I…Huh?”  Is there an example of the kinds of things we should pray for?

9       "This, then, is how you should pray:

1)    "'Our Father in heaven,  Begin your prayer by recognizing God to whom you are praying.  He is your Father - Matt 7:9-11   Which of you fathers, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!  Address the Father you are speaking with – most particularly you Father IN HEAVEN.  This is one of the reasons we often close our eyes in prayer – to get them off of earth and the things around us and focus on heaven which we see with the mind’s eye.  We are speaking to the King of Heaven where all authority and power and glory lie.

2)    hallowed be your name,  hallowed means holy = worthy of complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and righteousness.

3)    10 your kingdom come, We are asking that all that God is and represents in heaven – come here and now.  That heaven not remain distant but real and present in this place or circumstance at this particular moment in  time.

4)    your will be done we relinquish our will to God’s will.  This is a hard thing to pray and harder to accomplish.  We are strong-willed children.  How many children say “I want to do this, but I will do whatever you want my awesome parents?”  That is what we are saying to God.  Jesus said it in the garden – he wanted it a different way, but ultimately wanted to follow his father’s will.

5)    on earth as it is in heaven.  Whatever you have cooking in heaven I want happening here on earth.

6)    11 Give us today our daily bread.  KISS prayer - Keep it Simple Stupid.  Ask God to take care of your daily needs but don’t give him a grocery list a mile long.

7)    12 Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. Forgive me of my sins even as I have forgiven others their sins – make sure you are a forgiving

8)    person if you want forgiveness given to you.  Parable of the ungrateful Servant - Matt 18:34-35 In anger his master turned him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed. "This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother from your heart."

9)    13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.  In other words, I am not strong enough to resist sin, so don’t even put me in the path of temptation – in fact, deliver me – or keep me far away from the evil one.

KJV adds: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

This is a doxology found in later manuscripts which is not part of the teaching on prayer but adds a nice conclusion to the prayer that is certainly in line with scripture but not a part of the teaching on prayer.  It reminds us of the beginning – who are we praying too?  Our father who is the King of the kingdom with all power and glory forever and ever – Amen – So be it!!!


"Our Father which art in heaven."
--- Yes?

Don't interrupt me. I'm praying
--- But you called me?

I didn't call you. I'm praying. "Our father which art in heaven."
--- There you did it again.

Did what?
--- Called me.  You said, "Our Father which art in heaven." Here I am. What's on your mind?

But I didn't mean anything by it. I was, you know, just saying my prayers for the day. I always say the Lord's prayer. It makes me feel good, kind of like getting a duty done.
--- All right. Go on.

"Hallowed be thy name."
--- Hold it. What do you mean by that?

By what?
--- By "Hallowed be thy name?"

It means... it means... Good grief, I don't know what it means. How should I know? It's just a part of the prayer...By the way, what does it mean?
--- It means honored, holy, wonderful.

Hey that makes sense. I never thought about what "hallowed" meant before.  "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."
--- Do you really mean that?

Sure, why not?
--- What are you doing about it?

Doing? Nothing, I guess. I just think it would be kind of neat if you got control of everything down here like you have up there .
--- Have I got control of you?

Well, I go to church.
--- That isn't what I asked you. What about your temper? You've really got a problem there, you know. And then there's the way you spend your money - all on yourself.

Stop picking on me! I'm just as good as the rest of those people at church.
---Excuse me. I thought you were praying for my will to be done. If that is to happen, it will have to start with the ones who are praying for it. Like you, for example.

Oh, all right. I guess I do have some hang-ups. Now that you mention it, I could probably name some others.
---So could I.

I haven't thought about it very much until now, but I'd really like to cut out some of those things. I would like to, you know, be really free.
--- Good. Now we're getting somewhere. We'll work together, you and me. Some victories can be truly won. I'm proud of you.

Look, Lord, I need to finish this up here. This is taking a lot longer than it usually does.

"Give us this day our daily bread."
--- You could cut out the bread. It would help you lose weight.

Hey, wait a minute! What is this, "Criticize me day?" Here I was doing my religious duty, and all of a sudden you break in and remind me of all my hang-ups.
--- Praying is a dangerous thing. You could wind up changed, you know. That's what I'm trying to get across to you. Keep praying. I'm interested in the next part of your prayer...

(Pause) Well, go on.

I'm scared to.
--- Scared? Of what?

I know what you'll say.
--- Try me and see.

"Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us."
--- What about Ann?

See? I knew it! I knew you would bring her up! Why Lord, she's told lies about me, spread stories about my family. She never paid back the money she owes me. I've sworn to get even with her?
--- But your prayer? What about your prayer?

I didn't mean it.
--- Well, at least you're honest. But it's not much fun caring that load of bitterness around inside, is it?

No. But, I'll feel better as soon as I get even. Boy, have I got some plans for that neighbor.  She'll wish she had never moved into this neighborhood.
--- You won't feel any better. You'll feel worse. Revenge isn't sweet. Think of how unhappy you already are. But, I can change all that.

You can? How?
--- Forgive Ann. Then I'll forgive you. Then the hate and sin will be Ann's problem and not yours. You will have settled your heart.

Oh, you're right. You always are. And, more than I want to get revenge against Ann, I want to be right with you. (Pause)...(Sigh) All right.  I forgive her. Help her to find the right road in life, Lord. She's bound to be awfully miserable now that I think about it. Anybody who goes around doing the things she does to others has to be out of it. Some way, somehow, show her the right way.
--- There now! Wonderful! How do you feel?

Hmmm. Well, not bad. Not bad at all. I feel pretty great. You know, I don't think I'll have to go to bed uptight tonight for the first time since I can remember. Maybe I won't be so tired from now on because I'm not getting enough rest.
--- You're not through with your prayers. Go on.

Oh, all right. "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."
--- Good! Good! I'll do that. Just don't put yourself in a place where you can be tempted.

What do you mean by that?
--- Don't turn on the TV when you know the laundry needs to be done and the house needs to be picked up. Also, about the time you spend with your friends, if you can't influence the conversation to positive things, perhaps you should re-think the value of those friendships. Another thing, your neighbors and friends shouldn't be your standard for "keeping up." And please don't use me as an escape hatch.

I don't understand that last part.
--- Sure you do. You've done it a lot of times. You get caught in a bad situation. You get in trouble and then you come running to me: "Lord, help me out of this mess, and I promise you I'll never do it again." You remember some of those bargains you tried to make with me?

Yes and I'm ashamed. Lord, I really am.
--- Which bargain are you remembering?

Well, there was the night that my wife was gone and the children and I were home alone. The wind was blowing so hard I thought the roof would go any minute and tornado warn-ings were out. I remember saying, "Oh God, if you spare us, I'll never skip my devotions again."
--- I protected you, but you didn't keep your promise, did you?

I'm sorry, Lord I really am. Up until now I thought that if I just prayed the Lord's Prayer every day, then I could do what I liked. I didn't expect anything to happen like this.
--- Go ahead and finish your prayer with the doxology.

“The dox who?

---The last part.

"For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen"
--- Do you know what would bring me glory? What would really make me happy?

No, but I'd like to know. I want to please you. I can see what a mess I've made of my life. And I can see how great it would be to really be one of your followers.
--- You just answered the question.

I did?
--- Yes. The thing that would bring me glory is to have people like you truly love me. And I see that happening between us.

Now there is no telling what we can do together Lord, let's see what we can make of me, OK?
--- Yes, let's see...

Let us pray together the prayer the Lord has taught us and let us pray it with all the meaning and reality it deserves. 


Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory; Forever and ever.  Amen.

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