Tuesday, October 12, 2010


   My deepest apologies - we are just beginning this new blogging adventure and I will be behind a day or two.  We have had Gretchen in the ER the past two afternoon/evenings.  She has been very ill with an elevated white blood count.  Due to moving preparations and their one car in for auto body work, there have been times I have been the only one to care for her.
   This week I plan to look at wisdom - right now I pray for strength and healing.
   Gary could really use help moving over the next couple of days - loading the truck - if you could spare a few hours call my cell 320-6005.
   Now - if you have anything to say or any questions to ask on the every generic - at this point - subject of wisdon, I would love to hear them.

From the heart,
Pastor Jeff


  1. Sorry to hear about Gretchen we will keep her in our prayers as well as for Gary and the move..as well as strength for you and Kim during all of this! One word for Wisdom...as my mama always says some times you just have to let it go...you can't always do it all! Blessings this week...!

  2. Thank you Amber. You have a wisw mother.

  3. Pastor, I really enjoyed the session tonight and am looking forward to this year's theme. There is so much to learn. Kay

  4. That is awesome. I hope many grow in wisdom and Christlike love during the next year together.

  5. God is the source of wisdom. The first step to wisdom is fearing God meaning "respect and reverence of His power and majesty" We can't get it without first seeking God's wisdom through our study of the greatest book The Bible. Knowing and trusting our Lord is the key. Always in Christ, Barbie

  6. you could preach in the morning - you hit the nail on the head.
