Sunday, September 18, 2022

09-18-22 Combined Worship with Northwood Church of God

Pastor Jeff Cooper and Brent Smalley shared their testimonies and their life verse.
Pastor Jeff was "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free."
Pastor Brent's was "Be still and know that I am God."

“Knowing Jesus…there is nothing more important!””

Scripture                                              John 8:32,

That whole conversation started off because Jesus said Everyone who sins is a slave to sin, the slave is not part of the family – a son is part of the family.

Last half of John 8 are Jewish people arguing with Jesus about who their father is.

They say their father is Abraham then they say their father is God – Jesus says their father is the devil – a liar and the father of lies.

It ends with Jesus saying, Before Abraham was born, I am. They picked up stones to kill him.

This is not even halfway through John, how did Jesus get here already where people are arguing with him and then trying to kill him?


Back up to the beginning of John 8.

Retell the story of the woman caught in the act of adultery. (About sin and forgiveness for everyone and everything)

 (The stones picked up to throw at her may be the same stones they pick up to throw at Jesus.)

After the woman leaves it says Jesus spoke to the crowds again – that is where the “who is my father?” conversation starts.

Right in the middle of that conversation is my life verse.

Jesus turns the conversation by saying When you see the son of man lifted up, then you will know that I am what I claim to be.

There were several Jews who put their trust in Jesus and believed that he was who he said he was. He told them to hold to his teachings and they would become his disciples. And then the most awesome verse of promise ever – John 8:32 You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.

          I put my trust in Jesus, that he is who he claimed to be on Nov 4, 1974 my Damascus Rd. experience. Later that same month, Thanksgiving weekend; I was at my first BYF convention and the same music group and preacher were there that I had gone to hear the night I was saved. Bob Laurent preached on John 8:32 and I had my Ananias opening Paul’s eyes moment. That single verse made everything come into focus related to what I had believed and experience earlier that month.

          All of a sudden I realized I was no longer a slave to sin (it didn’t mean I would never commit another sin) it meant I was no longer held in chains by sin. I was free to experience abundant life because of what Jesus did on the cross for me. Like the Jews who believed in Jesus, it didn’t matter if Abraham was my father because now God was my father. It didn’t matter that I was as sinful as the woman caught in the act of adultery, I was now set free from that pain and agony to live life in and through Jesus Christ.

You will know the truth = JESUS   /   And the truth will set you free = from sin.

I said this at Ashland last week – People can play make believe and create God in their own image, but that does not make it true. There is only one true God and his name is Jesus!


Pastor Jeff share faith journey – how Jesus became real to me

Pastor Brent share faith journey – how Jesus became real to me

Pastor Jeff share life verse and why it is important.

Pastor Brent share life verse and why it is important.

Tie it together if needed.

The worship was followed by both churches sharing in a potluck picnic.

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