Sunday, July 11, 2021

07-11-21 “Our God can do anything, even win the fire challenge!”

Scripture        1 Kings 18:20-40
On the reality game show “survivor” how is the 3rd finalist determined between the two people not in 1st or 2nd place? The fire challenge!

I tell you there is not much in modern culture in music, movies, tv or other areas that is not somehow influenced by the bible directly or indirectly. Survivor did not “come up” with a fire challenge – that one was done in a big way as one of the most notable stories in the OT – this is HIStory of the fire challenge.
A       King Ahab marries Jezebel
B       Drought
C       Ravens Feed Elijah from the King’s table
D       Obadiah saves the last 100 prophets
E       Mt Carmel – The Fire Challenge 
1        850 prophets of Baal vs 1 prophet of the true God
2        Elijah – “How long will you wavier between two opinions?”
3        Let’s see if Baal is god or if Israel’s God is the One True God!
4        The ‘bull’ and ‘altar’ set up.
5        The prophets of Baal fail and Elijah makes fun of them.
6        Elijah built the altar – 12 stones, wood, bull, (dirt) water. FIRE CAME
7        People worshiped – Baal prophets were killed – it began to rain.

HIStory – God can do ANYTHING!
Why did God send fire from heaven? HE wanted to win the fire challenge? NO!
God wanted his children to remember who He was and put their faith love and trust in Him once again.
Why did Jesus turn water into wine? Because he enjoyed a nice glass of wine? NO!
God wanted his children to remember who He was and put their faith love and trust in Him once again.
Why did Jesus die on a cross and 3 days later rise up from the grave alive? Because He was a big showoff? NO!
God wanted his children to know who He is and put their faith, love, and trust in Him once and for all eternity.
HIStory about Elijah and the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel was to show that there is only one true God, the creator of heaven and earth…only one who is the way, the truth and the life, only one who can save people from their sins and give eternal life…and HIS name is Jesus!!!
When the disciples were gathered after Jesus had risen from the dead, God sent fire from heaven in a new way to show us He is still the God who can do anything, but also that He was putting his very own power within each of us.
Acts 2:1-4a     When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit.

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