Sunday, November 10, 2019

11-10-19 To whom do you belong?

Scripture:  1 Peter 2:4-9

          Ministry should help a person develop a sense of belonging with individuals and with the church as a whole. Participation in ministry is one of the best means for developing a sense of belonging.
          “As you come to him, the living Stone — rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him— you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” 1 Peter 2:4-5, 9
I have belonged to the Georgian Heights baseball club, Georgian Heights Football club, the Georgian Heights neighborhood friends, the Western Lanes Bowling League, the Wedgewood Audio Visual club, the Wedgewood Student Council, the Wedgewood concert band, the West high presidents council, all the bands, choir, bell choir, drama club, pep club, Hilcrest Baptist Church, Hillcrest Baptist Youth Fellowship, Hillcrest prayer group and Bible studies, Sr. High Sunday School class, ABC/Ohio BYF State board, and a great group of high school friend both churched and unchurched.  And that is just to list a few things that I have belonged to and that is also just through high school. I can’t imagine how long the list would be if I went through all 60 years.

What are a couple things you have belonged to throughout your life that stick out to you as most important or memorable?  Gather in groups of about 4 and share with each other your responses to that question.
I think there are three kinds of things we can belong to:
1 Vocational things – College, work, anything related to what we do for a living.
2 Clubs and Organizations – Sports, Arts & Crafts, Church, official organization you voluntarily join and are a part of.
3 Affinity Groups – Friends, these likely change throughout your life depending on how mobile you are -if you move a lot you will have more friends but not as many close life-long friends. Any group that has shared values and experiences.
4 – Actually we left out a 4th kind of group we belong to – our family.  Most of this is given to us and some of it is chosen (Spouse, adoption).

When we talk about belonging to the church – which of those four categories are we talking about? I think all 4. I am here because of my vocation. I did not come because a friend invited me to church. Some may belong because the like being a part of organizations. Others like the way we do church and have found an affinity with others here. And certainly, there are those who see others at church more like family – you have been through thick and thin together. If we believe we want everyone to feel like family – it seems like that can only come with time – or is it possible to make people like family right away – let’s come back to that after we look closely at the scripture.

(1 Peter 2:4-5) Coming to Jesus.

As you come to him, the living Stone — rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him— 5  you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

Interesting how often Scripture labels Jesus then calls us by the same title. Jesus is the light of the world – Jesus calls us the light of the world. He is the vine, we are the branches (the vine is a branch as well). He is a living stone, now we are also called living stones.
What is a living stone? Stones don’t live or move or breathe – they are inanimate objects but in that day were the prime material for building. That was the easiest material to find – today you pay big money for a house made out of stone. The bible refers to Jesus as a Rock – but here he is a LIVING STONE. The structure built with Living Stones is a Living Structure – spiritual, not just material. And we too. Like Jesus are living stones being build into a spiritual house – one that supersedes the glory of the temple in Jerusalem.

 a. Coming to Him as to a living stone: Peter’s picture here is that God is building a spiritual temple (a spiritual house) using living stones (Christians), those who have come to the ultimate living stone (Jesus).
This spiritual house shows that as much as Israel had a temple, Christians also have one. Yet the Christian’s temple is spiritual, and they themselves are the temple.
          God’s people worshipped at the Tabernacle (a mobile house of God and could not wait to be in a single permanent location – but not everyone had ability to get to Jerusalem to the Temple.  Now God says YOU are the church (not the building) and God wants his church to reach every nook and cranny of the world, so His temple is more mobile than ever…through us – his living stones.

But even living stones are of no use unless they occupy their proper place in His building”
b. Chosen by God and precious: As much as God chose Israel, so the church is also chosen. As much as Israel had a priesthood, so Christians are a holy priesthood. And as much as Israel had sacrifices, so Christians offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God.
A holy priesthood: The believer is his own priest before God. He does not need any mediator except his great High Priest, Jesus. “There can no longer be an elite priesthood with claims of special access to God, or special privileges in worship or in fellowship with God.”
Peter’s idea isn’t that God has abandoned Israel or that they have no place in His redemptive plan, but that Christianity is in no way inferior to Judaism.
To offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ: God does the work of building (being built), but we do the job of offering sacrifices pleasing to Him, as we come to Jesus as who we are – living stones, made by Him. Romans 12:1 Living Sacrifices
Even a living stone cannot build something great for God as it sits all on its own. What God does in us together is important. He is building something out of us together.
We can only serve as priests as we do it through Jesus Christ. In ourselves, we have no priestly authority, but only in Jesus.

(1 Peter 2:9) The privileged place of God’s people.

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.
a. But you are a chosen generation: The things that once exclusively belonged to Israel – their election (chosen), priesthood, and calling are now no longer the property of Israel alone. These are now the property of every Christian, and we have them in a greater and spiritual sense.
We are a royal priesthood. The offices of royalty and priesthood were jealously separated in Israel. But Jesus, who is our King and Priest, has brought them together for His people.
b. His own special people: We are special because we belong to God. A museum may be filled with quite ordinary things: hats, canes, shoes, and so forth; but they may be significant because they once belonged to someone famous. God takes ordinary people; and because He works in them, they are special.
These same titles were applied to Israel (Exodus 19:5-6, Deuteronomy 4:20, Deuteronomy 7:6, and Isaiah 43:20-21). Now in Jesus we belong to God as His own special people.
“The description of the Church is systematic and exhaustive. It is a race, and this suggests its life principle. It is a priesthood, and so has right of access to God. It is a nation, and so is under His government. It is a possession, and so is actually indwelt by Him.” (Morgan)
c. That you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light: The purpose for these high privileges is not so we can grow proud, but so that we can proclaim the praises of Him who has done such great things for us.
It is true that believers have a new life principle (chosen generation), a new access to God (royal priesthood), a new government (holy nation), and a new owner (His own special people)

Now we have examined the scripture - If we believe we want everyone to feel like family – it seems like that can only come with time – or is it possible to make people like family right away?
Absolutely – when each of my grandchildren were born – they I did not need time and experiences with them to make them feel anymore like family then in the first moment I laid eyes on them. So too, in the church, in Jesus, we who are seasoned Christians, ought to make everyone instantly feel like family. The church who can master that is the church that will not be able to contain the amount of growth it sees.

When I claimed Jesus as my savior, I did not have to be a Christian for a while, or prove myself to be adopted in as his child – it happened instantly. That is the way the stranger and alien should connect to Ashland Church – they should immediately feel not only like family but as much like family as anyone who has been a round for a very long time, because we are family in Jesus Christ – and he has been present since eternity past.

Tammy Harris of Roanoke, Virginia, began searching for her biological mother when she turned 21. A year of searching proved fruitless. Tammy did not realize, however, that her mother, Joyce Schultz, had been searching for her for 20 years--the same Joyce Schultz who worked alongside her at the same convenience store. When Joyce overheard Tammy speaking with another coworker about her search for her biological mother, Joyce's ears perked. The two compared stories and birth certificates. When the coworkers realized they were, indeed, mother and daughter, "We held on for the longest time," Tammy said. "It was the best day of my life."
Christians often sit side by side in the church pews, week after week, and fail to realize the depth of relationship they share in Jesus Christ. We are not inanimate rocks – we are living stones, designed to be like family whose lives are built together to be a spiritual house in the Lord!

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