Sunday, September 8, 2019

9-8-19 WORSHIP AND CHILDREN WOW - Worship Our Way!


Children’s Message:  “The kingdom of God grows” NEEDED: some watermelon seeds and watermelon and a knife and plates. Begin with the smallness of the seed and see if they know what it will become. It becomes something much bigger than the seed itself and more beautiful and delicious. Talk about how that is like the kingdom of God/the Church. Then share the watermelon with the children. Pray for God’s kingdom to grow. 

(Bill smiles at the children) Good morning, class. My name is Bill Harding, and I’ll be your substitute teacher for children’s church today. Your regular teacher will be back next week. She just needed a little rest. It seems she was starting to talk to the hymnals.

            (He begins to slowly walk back and forth in front of the class as he talks) Now, before we begin, I probably should confess I’m not used to working with children. It’s never really been … well, how should I put it  “ my calling” – still, I promised your teacher I’d take over for her today, so here I am. (Mumbling under her breath in a prayer) God, help me!
            But please don’t feel guilty because you’re making me miss out on the sermon, or because I’m probably forfeiting a tremendous blessing just to sit in here with you children. After all, it’s not your fault I couldn’t think of an excuse fast enough when your teacher called me!
            Next time, though, she won’t catch me off guard. You see, I’ve written down a few all-purpose excuses (Takes roll of paper out of pocket, i.e., the adding machine tape with scribbles on it. Holding one end of the roll of paper she let it roll) And I’ll be ready for her!
            Now, then, I see you’re all wearing name tags. That should help me a lot. (Pretends to be reading one of the children’s name tags.) Uh ..Johnny?  Is that your name? (Brief pause) Well, first of all, Johnny, I wonder if you would be so kind as to get down off the table? Thank you and bring that chair down with you!  … Yes, I know the janitor put it up there, but I don’t think he really meant for you to sit on it up there.
            Now, what I thought we’d do today is – (Looks around, sees Mary’s hand is raised) Yes, Mary? You say Matthew is pulling your ponytail? (To Matthew) Matthew, why are you pulling Mary’s ponytail? (Pause) You’re just seeing it if’s real?  .. Well, do here excruciating screams convince you? … Good! Now, then, why don’t you move over there by Brian? …What’s that, Matthew? .. You say Brian always hits you? … But Brian is wearing a suit. Everyone knows that little boys in suits don’t hit!  Now, go on .. Trust me. (Smiles encouragingly) That’s right .. go on. (He turns back to the rest of the class, smiles, then quickly turns back toward Brian and Matthew) Brian! What’d you do that for? … Well, I’m sorry, but that’s NOT how you say hello!
            Matthew, you can go sit over there by Carla.
            Now, then … where were we? (Pointing) Yes, Heidi? …Johnny’s on the table again? (Turns and looks) No, no, Johnny, you must stay down from there! … Look, you’ve got the other children trying stunts now .. and that chandelier won’t hold everybody!
            And George, please don’t invert your eyelids like that! Not only does it look awful, but they’ll get stuck that way!  Trust me. I know these things!
            And Joey, I don’t think clip-on ties were made for your nose. Kindly put yours back on your shirt! (Pause) What do you mean, it’s stuck? .. Well, just unclip it! I mean, you certainly can’t go through life with a red tie clipped to your nose! You’d look silly, and it’ll limit your wardrobe!
            (Suddenly holds ears and screams) Kevin! (He closes her eyes, takes a deep breath, then says slowly) Don’t you ever run your fingernails down a chalkboard again! There are laws against that, you know!
            Peter, why are you stacking the chairs on top of each other like that?
…        No, it’s not time to go! We still have 20 minutes left! (Looks at her watch) Well, actually, we have 19 minutes left, but who’s counting?
            Joey, haven’t you got that tie off yet? (Brief pause) Well, come here, I’ll help you. (He pretends to unclip it from his nose and attached it to his shirt) There! Now, doesn’t it look better on your neck?  … Please, go back to your seat … and next time dress casual.
            (Looks toward rear of classroom) Rusty! Get away from the refreshments! (Brief pause) What do you mean you didn’t touch them? I can see the Oreo bulges in your cheeks from here!  .. Well, go ahead and finish the 10 you’ve already got in your mouth, then take your seat.
            (To class) Hey! I know what! (He claps her hands together in excitement) How about if I tell you kids a story? Would you like that? (Pause) You would? OK, then everyone come sit down in a circle… A circle, Tony, not a pile! … That’s it, c’mon. Now, let’s see. I know you’ve all herd the story of how much Jesus loves you, so I won’t … What that, Michael? (Brief pause) You’ve never heard about how He came to earth and was born in a manger … then later gave His life on the Cross for you and me … No one ever told you about Him?
            I see you’re wearing a visitor’s tag. Is this your family’s first Sunday here? (Brief pause) Oh, you did? You came alone? You mean, you walked here by yourself? (Mumbles to herself) And to think I almost didn’t come because the air-conditioning in my car wasn’t working!
            Well, I’ll tell you what, why don’t you sit over here by me, Michael, and I’ll tell you and the class all about this Man called Jesus! (Smiles) He loves you very, very much, you know. He said, “Let the little children to come to Me, for to them belongs the kingdom of God.” You see, to Jesus there’s nothing quite as precious as childlike faith…and you kids have a corner on the market!
            Why, Michael, you got up and walked to church this morning … ALL BY YOURSELF! You didn’t know anyone here. You just knew you wanted to go to church. No wonder Jesus loves the little children! Do you realize how many adults are still in bed at this very moment just thinking of excuses why they can’t go to church? The car’s too dirty, the lawn needs mowing, the fence needs fixed, nothing to wear! Excuses!...Sometimes I think we adults have the corner on that market!
            (Thoughtfully) And speaking of excuses .. (Walks over and picks up the roll of excuses from off the floor. Looks it over thoughtfully.) I guess I’ve been collecting a few myself!
            You know, Michael, you may not understand this, but I think YOU were the teacher today.

It is important to give children an opportunity to worship - not like adults - worship like children. If anything we adults should worship more like children. They are not bound by adult sensibilities like we are. They are free to worship God is Spirit and Truth. I am not saying we should act like children in worship, but we ought to have the same spirit as children do in worship. And, we ought to always provide worship that is designed with them in mind. “Well my kids sat in worship with me from the time they were in diapers.” Maybe so, but was that best for them? We ought to encourage children in worship because God’s word says:
Isaiah 55:10-11
As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.
          And it also says,
Romans 10:17
Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. (Have Gideon share Bible verses)
The worship we adults provide and the way we preachers preach does not allow children to “hear” the message in a language they can understand.

Mark 10:13-16
People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. 14 When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 15 I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."  16 And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.
T H E   C O N T E X T
Mark 10:1-12        Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife? Jesus basically says - marriage for a man and woman is God’s design and is binding before God. Once again man has taken something beautifully created by God and messed it up otherwise there would be no need to ask the question. As a child of divorced parents and divorced grandparents on my dad’s side and many divorces throughout my family, I am painfully aware of how many people divorce has effected. This is only one of God’s designs for us that is a better way to live that we have messed up, and even Jesus leaves the possibility open under certain circumstances. (slides on divorce in America) The point is, he is saying we often mess up God’s design, why did we have to grow up and figure out ways around God’s law? Why can’t we just stay like little children and do what we are suppose to do?

A rich man wanted to know how to get into the kingdom of heaven. “Keep the commandments.”  “I have, ever since I was a child.” “When you were a child you relied on me, let’s see if you still rely on me like you did when you were a child. Go sell everything you have and come follow me - like you used to before you got all that stuff that keeps you away from me.” He went away sad because he had a lot of money and didn’t want to give it up.”

Mark 10:24-27
The disciples were amazed at his words. But Jesus said again, "Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! 25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." Why is it hard for a camel to go through the eye of a needle assuming it was a very large needle?  The camel can’t fit through because of its humps. The first hump is not living the way God designed and the second hump is living the way we designed - first hump, divorce as an example / second hump, a rich man as an example. The space between the humps could get through to the kingdom of God (that is those with childlike faith) but we have grown these humps that prevent many form getting through to God’s kingdom.  We must become like little children. Jesus took that even further and said we must become younger than little children - we must become babies - we must be born again.  26 The disciples were even more amazed, and said to each other, "Who then can be saved?" 27 Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God."
          In other words, we must become like Michael - that regardless of what the adults (the ones who mess things up) are doing, he is going to be near his eternal father. In fact, you can almost hear Michael praying with the simplicity of a child as he says,
You're a good good father - It's who you are, it's who you are, it's who you are
And I'm loved by you - It's who I am, it's who I am, it's who I am.

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