Sunday, July 14, 2019

7-14-19 The Parable of the Sowers (Senior High Camp)

Luke 8:4-15
Joanna Camick
Learning about the parable of the Sower and the Seed.  We found out that the seed was God’s Word.  Reading part Luke 8: 4-8. And when a great crowd was gathering, people from town to town came to him , he said in the parable, a sower went out to sow his seed, and as he sowed some fell on the path and was trampled and the birds devoured it, and some fell on the rock and it grew up and withered away because there was no moisture and some fell on the thorn and the thorn grew up and choked, and some fell on good soil and grew and yielded a hundredfold.  And he said he who has ears, let them hear.
The first type of the soil is what I an going to talk about. The seed fell on that hard path. This seem to represent some of the difficult lives that many of the campers experienced on a daily basis. Some of these were divorce, un supported families, bullied, and even the death of a sibling. It became apparent to me that these kids could benefit from God’s word.  But God’s word is found in the Bible but not only in the Bible. It can also be found in a Pastor’s Sermon, at camp, Family Fun Night, in the aid provided for victims like at Matthew 25 ministries. We also assisted them and I enjoyed it, but let the words to this song be the seed in your own heart. It is called Light of the World.
Joanna sang:

Light of the World
Giver of creation, bringer of salvation
Word of God, eternal life
Praise the Son of God

Promised One of Heaven
To bring us to your Kingdom
Rescued us from darkness
Praise the Son of God
Jesus, light of the world
Shine on us, shine on us
Word of life, spoken for love
Breathe on us, breathe on us
Light of the world, King Jesus
Darkness will obey your voice
Weakness will in you rejoice
You have bound the broken heart
Praise the Son of God
You have shown your father's heart
And to us you will impart
The holiness of all you are
Praise the Son of God
Jesus, light of the world
Shine on us, shine on us
Word of life, spoken for love
Breathe on us, breathe on us
Light of the world, King Jesus
Shine, breathe, live through us
Shine, breathe, live through us
Shine, breathe,

Pastor Jeff Cooper
1)    What was the soil like in vs6?
Rocky with very little dirt which means it could not hold moisture.
However - the farmer still scattered his/her seed on that rocky soil.
          Scattering by hand - means it is an individual and the farmer is personally touching the seed and determines where the seed will be scattered.
How would you describe a person who is considered rocky soil?
          They seem somewhat interested, but they are not yet on board. They have good intentions with bad follow through.
1)    Why would a farmer scatter their seed?
To cover as much ground as possible.
2)    What was the second soil like in vs6?
Rocky with very little dirt which means it could not hold moisture.
3)    What is the rocky soil in your life that blocks the word of God from growing in you?
          (Going to church but not investing myself, reading the bible but not studying it, living one way on Sunday and differently Mon-Sat., etc.)
What can you do to cultivate the rocky soil in your life?
          Be intentional about your personal relationship with Jesus - focus more on him.
a)    Proverbs 4:25-27
Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you. Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm. Do not swerve to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.
          Spend time regularly in God’s word that has been planted in you.
2 Timothy 3:14-17
          But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
3) Spend time praying for those “rocky” areas in your life. Pray for the ability to get rid of distractions and focus on God’s word daily. (ex. Download a bible app and start a reading plan, pick a time every day to read God’s word, read it when waiting for something else, ex. at a doctor’s office or waiting on the school bus)

When Jesus said this, he called out, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear."

Nathan Cooper
The third kind of soil. That is the soil with thorns and the text tells us. It’s very rare that we get students that aren’t already Christians. Our camp is typically geared for students who already know Christ to take it home and share it with their friends. Coming into the week we knew of four kids who did not yet know Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. We had the chance to pray with them and till up their soil and pull out their rocks and weeds. By the end of the week, three of those students that we know of had accepted Christ. So when they came to camp, I don’t know which soil they were but at the time they weren’t yet in good soil.  But throughout the week, that’s what happened. The soil got and it was an amazing thing that happened on Thursday evening to see these students that we had prayed for come to faith / You can’t just plant seeds in a garden and expect to come back later and have a beautiful harvest croup. You must constantly be tending it and maintaining it to keep that soil good.

Dan Camick
What I saw was a father and son team that worked dynamically to produce growth  for the Lord.  I think you should know what a super job Nathan did as Camp Director and what a super job Pastor Jeff did as camp Pastor.  As if our clapping could encourage them more.  I don’t know that they need that but I thought you should know. Pastor Jeff has some theatrical background and he put on these skits or mime that portrayed God’s presence in the lives of individuals attending camp. Nathan had an opportunity to preach. And he read scriptures. There were campfire opportunities where the lights wouldn’t allow him to to read any notes but the Lord was moving around that campfire hearts were melted . The Holy Spirit was really present.
Nathan assigned me to do devotionals. Nathan encouraged them to take the little booklets that he had prepared and write down some things from a morning devotional to think about during the day and reflect on their heart.  They did it and they were really compliant campers that were really letting the Good Shepherd mold them from an unholy being to a pleasing into a Holy pleasing offering to God.  It was kind of amazing.  I really encourage our church to make that happen again.
Here is what Jesus said in a story right around the same time as he told this parable of the sower. It comes in Matthew 9:35. It says that Jesus traveled through all the towns and villages of that area teaching in the synagogues and announcing the good news about the kingdom and he healed every kind of disease and illness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless like a sheep without a shepherd and he (meaning Jesus) said to his disciples.  The harvest is ready to be planted with seed. I saw some lives that were ready to be reaped. Counselor staff, people cleaning bathrooms, people cooking the food, I saw that happening as laborers for one purpose, for the hearts of individuals to change for Jesus Christ. Now the laborers are few. I woke up this morning with my back hurting, my feet hurting, my ankles itching, my arms itching and this one spot on my back that I can’t reach and I thought, that takes a lot of laborer to do that but I am convinced that even through the partnership that we have through Matthew 25 ministries and churches like ours that we can provide much more laborers into the field. Maybe they turn into dollars, maybe they have to be written by a check or something like that but we have an opportunity to send laborers into the field. And I think Jesus was talking to us when he said the laborers are few.  This ministry of Camp Kirkwood has been going on for a long time. Dad something like this, that one week at camp is equal to a whole year of Sunday School. Somehow I saw this transition that would take years to happen in the course of a weekend. One other thing that Jesus has asked us, is to pray for the harvest. So we pray for the harvest, we pray for the laborers, and I just pray that those kids who received that seed continue to receive the fertilizer and the nutrients that a good field can bring. And that’s the other thing that we can do Ashland, is to be a fertile ground for growth in the Lord. So I encourage you that way as well.

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