Sunday, November 19, 2017

11-19-17 Thankful for Special Days!

Scripture:  Isaiah 38:19
SONG: Special Days
          The song says ‘everyday’ is a special day, however, by definition ‘everyday’ cannot be a special day – (better, greater, or otherwise different from what is usual.)

            There is a humorous story I like about a man sitting at the breakfast table reading the newspaper when his wife breezed through the kitchen, gave him a light kiss on the cheek and said matter of factly, “I’ll bet you’ve forgotten what day this is?!” The husband answered defensively, “I have not!” And he went back to the reading the newspaper while his wife finished getting ready upstairs. But for the life of him, he could not remember what special day it was.
            All the way to work it bothered him, “What day is this?” He knew his wife was very sensitive about forgetting special days such as their anniversary or Valentine’s day, but he simply could not recall from memory what this day was supposed to be.
            Deciding not to take any chances, on his way home after work he bought a box of candy, a dozen roses, and a gift-wrapped bottle of her favorite perfume. Upon arriving home, he quickly greeted his wife and yelled out “surprise” as he handed her the various gifts. To which she replied, “Oh sweetheart - this is the best Groundhog’s Day I’ve ever had!” 

What are some of the ‘special days’ in your life? Birthday? First Bicycle? Graduation? Salvation? Baptism? Marriage? Birth of child/grandchild? Job promotion? Home purchase? 300 in bowling or a hole in one in golf? Retirement?  Make a list of your special days. Pick your top 5. What did God have to do with making those special days happen? If you were to tell God you are thankful for those 5 days, what is it about His part in them are you particularly thankful for? Write that down.
Isaiah 38:19     The living, the living — they praise you, as I am doing today;
                         fathers tell their children about your faithfulness.
(If you have pics form the Ashland Ave. Church building – some of those could go here)
Ashland Building and Attendance history
          In 1993 72% of the Ashland Avenue Baptist Church voted to remain at the Ashland Ave. location and a few years later raised over $100,000 for capital improvements.
          In 2005, facing $900,000 in needed repairs to the facility the church voted to sell the Ashland church building and did so to Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Church for $450,000 and the Tracker Organ was also sold for $300,000.
(Could change to pics of current building here)
      In 2007 Ashland purchased the current building (formerly the Oregon church of the Nazarene) for $700,000. Ashland held its first worship service here Nov 24, 2007. (Happy 10th Anniversary)
          In 1987 Ashland membership was 454. In the 1920’s there were over 1000 members. Average Sunday worship in 1986 was 224. By 1989 it was less than 200 and a year later, Sunday worship averaged 186. In June of 2016 attendance averaged in the 70s and today it averages in the 80s occasionally seeing more than 100. That is a slow but positive trajectory.
          Are there special days in the church (any church) you remember and see where God was working? Write those down as well.

As our scripture says, Isaiah 38:19    The living, the living — they praise you, as I am doing today; fathers tell their children about your faithfulness.
          So, we are to tell the good things God has done for us. The video we saw earlier spoke of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea; Job giving thanks; barren Hanna giving birth and in thanksgiving; giving her son Samuel to God’s service; David danced before the ark in thanksgiving; Solomon thanked God for the completed Temple; Jesus at the last supper gave thanks.
          Isaiah told Hezekiah he would die. Hezekiah reminded God of the special days they had shared and God added 15 years to his life, and he said: Isa 38:16-19  Lord, by such things men live; and my spirit finds life in them too. You restored me to health and let me live. Surely it was for my benefit that I suffered such anguish. In your love you kept me from the pit of destruction; you have put all my sins behind your back. For the grave cannot praise you, death cannot sing your praise; those who go down to the pit cannot hope for your faithfulness. The living, the living — they praise you, as I am doing today; fathers tell their children about your faithfulness.

The fathers would tell the sons these stories and still do to this day – about these special days and how God was involved in them and for these days they give Thanks to God.
Nov 4, 1974           Salvation
Feb 6, 1982            Marriage
Sept 19, 1985         Birth of son
June 17, 1988         Birth of daughter
March 17, 2016     Birth of first grandchild
May 22, 2016         Thank you Service (From the Heart Theater Group)

Isaiah 38:19           The MSG / It's the living — live men, live women — who thank you, just as I'm doing right now. Parents give their children full reports on your faithful ways.

To the living, I want to give the opportunity to do what the church should always do – give thanks. Do not take more than a minute or two, do not preach. Do say what Special day(s) you are thankful for and why you thank God for that day. Do introduce yourself by name.

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