Sunday, February 12, 2017

02-12-17 God’s Social Network: The Bible

VIDEO 1 – Theme Introduction

Hebrews 1:1-3a
In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word.

Why a theme? Why this scripture text? What will it teach us? What are the challenges?

WHY? A yearly theme comes from my relationship with God and His Word.  It must be something I believe is preachable and meaningful enough to be preached for our community – those of faith and those not yet of faith. It must be something that gives us a focus for one year so that we get more of that ‘one thing’, rather than total random messages from week to week, while at the same time allowing every week to stand alone.

WHY HEBREWS 1:1-3a? As you will see, this text provides way more than enough foundation for an entire year’s worth of preaching form the Word of God. If I said, describe what the Bible is about in one word – what would you say? Love! Faith! Jesus! Salvation! Grace! People! All are good answers, my one word for the Bible has always been “RELATIONSHIPS”! If the Bible is about one thing it is about Relationships! Our relationship with God. Our relationship with one another. Our relationship with creation, with food, with systems, governments, institutions, with sin, with morals, with wellness, with life and death and on and on but primarily the first two – relationship with God and one another = 1st commandment LOVE GOD 2nd commandment LOVE OTHERS everything else rests on these two!
          Therefore, if 1st purpose of the Bible is concerning relationships, the 2nd is like it, Communication. The Bible is God’s primary way to communicate with us about those relationships.
          Therefore, The Bible is God’s Social Network!
In the past God spoke through the prophets, but in these last days by his Son, sustaining all things by his powerful word – communicated by the Holy Spirit through the Bible!

It will teach us how God communicates with us, as well as the passionate desire God has ‘to’ communicate with us. That God’s Social Network was not just ‘back then’ but is now with us as much as it was with those…we read about in the bible. It will teach us that God’s methods of communication has no limits, even as current Social Media Networks have no limits (none of which were even imagined when I was young). Our great social media technology was two (SLIDE 2 Tin Cans) tin cans and a string. // Just like Facebook – God ‘likes’ us, has us in his ‘friend’ list and wants to share with our friends and friends of friends. Like Instagram, God communicates to us though pictures – snapshots of his love and grace. God communicates like Twitter – quick messages when we are in a tough place and need help or an answer right now. God communicates like Pinterest where He gives us a bulletin Board with several good options and the common sense to choose wisely. Sometimes God communicates like snapchat, giving us a chance to laugh at ourselves and realize the human condition, as serious as it is, also has moments where we just have to do a face swap and laugh.
          To some, primarily those older than me, I have just spoken in a foreign language. But I want you to be a missionary with me – who’s first job is to learn the language of the people they are ministering too. Our younger generations don’t have the typical communication generation gap like our grandparents did when we started using words like hip, cool and groovy. They have entirely different systems of daily communication. So often I hear people say; “Oh I hate that facebook and don’t even know what a Tweet is.” I used to think – Oh I get it, why learn something knew if you don’t have to. Now I think – we in the church have to be at the forefront of Social Media. It is neither good or bad. Just like words which are neither good or bad – it is how they are used. If we were missionaries in Uganda, do you know what language we would speak? English – but also Bantu, Central Sudanic, Nilotic, Swahili and Luganda. What if we were in El Sal Vador? Spanish but of the Caliche vernacular. Do you get the point? We can no longer afford to see ourselves as evangelists. We are missionaries in a foreign country. The language of younger generations for now and forever is Social Media and the dialects are ever changing. To effectively communicate the gospel we need to speak the language.
          Therefore, we want to look at turning Social Media on its head and show that God has been using Social Media and Social Networks since the garden of Eden. The first recorded words ever spoken were - Gen 1:3 And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.” The word had power to communicate as well as create. Then God created man and beasts from the ground and said, Gen 2:18 "It is not good for the man to be alone.” And for this special relationship created the one suitable for him, not from the ground like all others, but from his own rib creating a new kind of Social Network!
You will be challenged to memorize the theme passage. To read and study the Bible more. To become better than any church in the U.S. at using Social Media as a way to communicate the truth of scripture and the good news of Jesus with others. To find a life verse and find a way to creatively share why it is your life verse.
Slides 3 and 4


Nov. 4 1974 for the first time I heard the word of God in my own language…

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