Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Theme Introduction - FAITHBOOK: God's Social Network

Pastor Jeff's Sermon notes from 01-06-13

FAITHBOOK – God’s Social Network

Scripture:     Psalm 119:18  “Open my eyes to see the wonderful things in your word.”

2013 is the year I want to make you fall in love.  Fall in love with this (hold phone then bible) the faithbook.  It has been called many things but among those many things it is certainly unequivocally a book of faith – faith book.


I have said many times that the bible is about relationships.  Our relationship with God and our relationships with one another.  There are millions of books about human relationships so the most important aspect of this book is about our relationship with God and that relationship requires ‘faith.’

The spoken word became the written word to point us to the Living word.

ie) God spoke – Let there be light, Moses wrote it down – and there was light – Jesus lived it – I am the light of the world

The faith book shows us examples of faith

It teaches us what faith is

It inspires faith

It leads us into faith

It shows the importance of faith

Faith is everything.

I cannot empirically, existentially, scientifically prove to you that God is real and living but give me the next year to get you acquainted with this book and this book will give you a faith that proves God’s existence.


          Read through the bible in a year

          Read through the New Testament in a year

          Read through the Old Testament in a year

          Memorize 50 verses of scripture

          Memorize the books of the bible in order

Memorize a chapter or book of the bible.

Attend the Scripture reader’s seminar.

Begin attending Sunday School or a small group.

          Write a drama, a song, paint or sculpt something related to the bible.


          Distribute bibles for free (lifebook.com), Gideon’s, FirstB, etc.


Pray for your own desire to fall passionately, vitally in love with God's word this year.  Begin with the words of Psalm 119:18 "Open my eyes to see the wonderful things in your word."

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