Sunday, January 29, 2012

Stealing time with Jesus!

Matthew 6:19-21
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
This text says, “It’s About Time!”  How so?  It talks about to spheres of time: 1) Our span of time on earth = our life time.   2) Our ever present future time in heaven = our eternity with God.  Interesting how it talks about what we do with the time in one affecting our time in the other.  TO THE POINT - “Do not store up treasures here!  Store up treasures in heaven!”
A planned method of spiritual growth is what we all need, but when that isn’t happening you need to become the thief – begin to find ways to steal time with Jesus.  If you are a working mother with three kids at home, or a single guy that goes to school and works two jobs and can’t seem to make a plan work – begin to seek out every occasion for stealing a moment with Jesus and therefore invest instead of spending those wasted moments.

While driving to work or school – it is ok to pray (eyes open).  Or walking between classes or for 5 minutes after the kids are in bed turn the audio bible on your phone and listen to God’s word.  Instead of eating alone everyday – once a week eat with a fellow Christian.  Before the moths ruin the clothes you never wear take 15 minutes to get them and run them to the salvation army or good will.  It isn’t rocket science – it is theft - find ways to steal moments with Jesus by doing the five things in Acts 2 (Bible study, Fellowship, Worship, Prayer, and Service).  When you are able, make a greater spiritual growth plan and carry it out, when that isn’t happening invest every moment you can find in your relationship with Jesus – it will not only change your life now – but will give you something to look forward to in heaven.

Matthew 6:21     For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
As you find new ways to apply this message, please share them on this blog or in a way that might help others make the same great investment you have found – in that way, we can all share the good news – Jesus!  That is an investment of time worth making.

From the Heart, Pastor Jeff

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