Sunday, May 31, 2015

05-31-15 A late night bread run

Scripture:  Luke 11:5-13

One of the largest organizations in America is the Quitters Club. The reason you’ve never heard of the Quitters Club is because they never meet–the members quit coming. There are no dues–the members quit paying them.

The Quitters Club is comprised of people who faced a tough job, a tough marriage, a tough sickness, or a tough failure–and they quit. You’ve heard the saying, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” But the Members of this club say, “When the going gets tough, the quitters get going...away.” When God seems to be asleep, when the church is struggling to reach new people, when spiritual vitality seems difficult to find, we stop praying!

Luke 11:1-4

One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples."

2 He said to them, "When you pray, say: "'Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come.   3 Give us each day our daily bread. 4 Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation.

The Lord’s Prayer is really not the Lord’s Prayer – it is the disciple’s prayer. One disciple said, John the Baptist taught his disciples to pray, please teach us how to pray. Obviously prayer is not something known – it is something learned.  Mostly learned from on the job training – but also learned in the classroom.  In fact Matthew places this prayer right in the middle of Jesus’ teaching through the Sermon on the Mount – a collection of teachings. Luke places it here as the conclusion of teaching about how we relate to God. 

First word “Our” not I, Me, Mine – but US! We are to pray in unity as God’s children.

It continues, “Father” – not daddy; there is authority and respect but also the ability to draw near to a loving caring father.  Eph 2:17-18  He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit.

In England, who has access to the Queen? In the US who has access to the President? We have access daily into the presence of and conversation with GOD!

Close as a father yet separate as one who is holy (hallowed be your name) Though God has made himself approachable – he is set apart as one different form us –not one to be manipulated or made in our image. 1 Peter 3:15 But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.

Our first request: Your kingdom come. All that is eternal and heavenly come here so that we know where we are headed.  We can then live life in light of eternity and today’s problem shrink by comparison.

Request 2: Give us each day our daily bread. From Make eternity and your kingdom present now to take care of our simple daily most basic needs.  Recognize that nothing is provided that God hasn’t made possible – He is our provider.

Request 3: From the daily physical need to the daily spiritual need Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.  We need to know forgiveness and practice forgiveness. Our relationship with God matters as does our relationships with one another. Hold no grudge, forgive and move on.

Request 4 and the final one. AND lead us not into temptation.  How odd – we have to ask God not to do this?  No, it is a recognition that we know our sinful frailties. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.  For us to stay holy in the presence of God’s kingdom and the king himself – our heavenly father, it would be best if we don’t even have temptation to contend with.

Before continuing with the rest of the text, we need some cultural understanding of Israel 2000+ years ago when this was written. Most people lived in a one room house. No 24 hour convenient stores – people baked enough bread for their family for that day.  Hospitality was held in high regard, caring for the stranger and friend alike. Most travel happened during daylight hours as lighting was nonexistent so a visitor coming late at night would be very unexpected.

Luke 11:5-13

 Then, following a basic lesson in prayer, Jesus said to his disciples, "Suppose one of you has a friend, and he goes to him at midnight and says, 'Friend, lend me three loaves of bread, 6 because a friend of mine on a journey has come to me, and I have nothing to set before him.'

7 "Then the one inside answers, 'Don't bother me. The door is already locked, and my children are with me in bed. I can't get up and give you anything.' 8 I tell you, though he will not get up and give him the bread because he is his friend, yet because of the man's boldness he will get up and give him as much as he needs.

Thought process: I am so glad to see my friend from out of town.  Oh my goodness, he plans to stay with me and I am not prepared. Oh wow, he is very hungry and my cupboard is bare. It will take way to long to make anything. I know my next door neighbor’s wife usually makes more than they need with so many kids. If I go over, I am likely to wake the whole household.  But he won’t mind – who am I kidding, I wouldn’t want someone to wake me for food for a friend. But I can’t send my friend and his wife and kids (3 loaves of bread) to bed with empty stomachs, they will be up all night with a crying baby and whining toddlers.  I have no choice – for the greater good I will wake my neighbor.

The Greek word is really translated by two words together meaning “boldness” and “shamelessness” – he had no choice had to ask his neighbor for the resources he could not provide for others in need.  We have no choice – we have to ask God for the Holy Spirit to provide the resources to help our friends that we cannot provide on our own. Not whimper in a corner but storm the gates of heaven shamelessly and boldly for the sake of others.  In that sense – the rest of the text rings so true:

9 "So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 10 For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

11 "Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? 12 Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? 13 If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"

“From Roman history comes the story of a Roman emperor in his chariot as a part of a parade, Cheering people lined the streets while the legionnaires were stationed to keep the people at a safe distance. The emperor’s family sat on a platform to watch him go by in all the pride of his position. As the emperor came near the place where his family was stationed, a young boy jumped from the platform, burrowed through the crowd, and tried to dodge a legionnaire so he could run to the emperor’s chariot. The soldier stopped him and said, “You cannot go near him.” The boy laughed, then said; “He may be your emperor but he is my father.” Then he ran into his father’s open arms.”   Hebrews 4:16    Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Forget your health needs, your financial needs, your relationship needs, any of your needs for a moment – who should you be shamelessly boldly prayering for – most particularly for their salvation or spiritual growth. You don’t have the means to help them because you yourself are weak in spiritual things, but the Holy spirit in you and help – can provide the living bread they need – PRAY PRAY PRAY!
This is not about arrogance or shouting at God – rather knowing what God wants and being completely confident that you come to him unashamed asking for his help for others.  He will give it! Church growth expert, George Barna found that prayer was the foundational ministry of rapidly growing churches in America. He wrote: “The call to prayer [in these churches] was the battle cry of the congregation: it rallied the troops. These people understood the power of prayer. They actively and consistently included prayer in their services, in their events, their meetings and their personal ministries.”

Sunday, May 24, 2015

05-24-15 Uneeque Decision

Scripture:   2 Peter 3:8-13
              But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. 9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
             10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare.
              11 Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives 12 as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat. 13 But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness.

Vs 8-9 – Good News – the Lord is PATIENT with you. You have all the time in the world – 1000 years are only like a day to the Lord. Take your time – sin now – live your life, you are young, go ahead and wait till you are older to make a decision for Jesus, once you have had you fun. Isn’t that great, you can wait till near the end of your life to become a Christian. Like the workers in the vineyard – (Tell parable) or even better the thief on the cross. SO live the way you want – don’t worry about serving God now, you can do that when you get to heaven.

By the way, a day is also like 1000 years. Vs 10 Do you know that thieves case your house and your movements before they come to rob you – they look at your fb page to see when you say 2 more days till our weeks’ vacation in the Bahamas. If you knew you were going to be robbed, you would not post that on fb or forget to set your light timers in the house. Jesus Christ will come back like a thief in the night – when you least expect him.  The bible tells us to be ready – like the 5 out of 10 unmarried women who were looking for a husband (tell story of 10 virgins)

Vs 11-13 – serving Christ is not something awful to avoid, rather a joy to experience throughout your entire life.  Most people who accept Christ late in life have one regret – not doing it earlier. The best time to make a decision for Christ is at what age? 15 of course – because that is when I did. NO the best time, according to the bible is when? NOW!   2 Corinthians 6:2  I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation.

          2 Peter 3:8 “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.
DO NOT FORGET THIS ONE THING. We humans forget more than one thing. We forget many things. But Peter is saying, “Don’t forget the Lord and don’t forget that the Lord’s view of time is different than ours. He is not limited by time as we are. Don’t forget that God is faithful. He will do what He says He will do.

We human beings are forgetful about many things. We do forget God at times. We do forget what His Word says. We do forget what we heard in church last Sunday.

ILLUSTRATION:    Did you hear about the three old men who were talking one afternoon about how forgetful they were getting? The first one said, "Sometimes I get undressed to get into the shower, and suddenly I can’t remember if I’m getting in or getting out."
        The second one said, "Well, sometimes I’ll find myself on the stairs, and I don’t remember if I’m going up or coming down."
        The third old man said, "Well, so far I haven’t had any of that kind of trouble. I guess I’ll just knock on wood and hope that what is happening to you guys doesn’t happen to me." So he knocked on the arm of his wooden rocking chair, and asked, "I wonder who that is?"

       Forgetfulness. We all experience it. Even when we forget God – he NEVER forgets us.  Remember those who served our country – it is right to do so – remember that whatever age you are – God loves you and wants you to give your life to him for His glory and for the eternal salvation of your soul – don’t walk away like Jerry did.  Come to Jesus TODAY.

Change the letters around slightly: Uneeque Decision and you will have U need Decision and U need it today!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

05-17-15 Are you afraid to ride the Millennium Force?

Scripture: Matthew 16:15-23
VIDEO OF Millenium Force:

The best steel roller coaster on the planet

Millennium Force, has been voted the best steel roller coaster in the world. You can't beat the thrill of plummeting down a 300' drop at speeds reaching 93 mph. Trust us. And did we mention, we have 15 other record-breaking scream machines including the 420' tall Top Thrill Dragster? Sit upright, hold on tight, and enjoy the ride.

       Adam and Eve – had it perfect in communion with God THEN they ate the fruit and kicked out of the garden YET they still had a relationship with God after that. Gen 4:25-26 Adam lay with his wife again, and she gave birth to a son and named him Seth, saying, "God has granted me another child in place of Abel, since Cain killed him.”

Noah builds an ark and saves humanity from complete destruction from a world-wide flood THEN he drank too much wine and gets naked which leads to problems YET God repopulates the earth through his 3 sons with a promise (Gen 9:15-16) Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.

Abraham and Sarah at 100 year’s old are going to have the son of promise THEN Abraham was told to go sacrifice his son Isaac on an altar – YET God stopped him and blessed him through Isaac.  (Gen 22:15-17)  The Lord called to Abraham and said, "I swear by myself, declares the Lord, that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son, I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore.

Jacob had 12 sons – last 2 by his favorite wife THEN his favorite son is pronounced dead while actually being sold into slavery in Egypt – YET God not only reveals his son Joseph alive but uses him to save his entire family and the entire Hebrew people. (Gen 47:11-12) So Joseph settled his father and his brothers in Egypt and gave them property in the best part of the land, and also provided his father and his brothers with food, according to the number of their children.

David becomes King – a man after God’s own heart, he sang for the King and when the entire Israelite army was to scared he killed a large giant with a sling shot, a sling and the power of God THEN  he has an affair with one of his soldier’s wife, then he has that same soldier murdered in battle to cover his sin – YET God blesses David as the greatest king Israel has ever known. Near the end of his life we read (2 Sam 24:25) David built an altar to the Lord there and sacrificed burnt offerings and fellowship offerings. Then the Lord answered prayer in behalf of the land, and the plague on Israel was stopped.

Nehemiah returns to Israel to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem THEN Sanballat and Tobiah attack the workers while they try to rebuild YET God is with them as they place bricks with one hand and hold their weapons in the other until the city is fortified again. (Neh 6:15-16) So the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth of Elul, in fifty-two days. 16 When all our enemies heard about this, all the surrounding nations were afraid and lost their self-confidence, because they realized that this work had been done with the help of our God.

Naomi has a husband and two sons and they go to a foreign land during famine where her sons marry, albeit, outside their faith THEN her husband and sons die YET God blesses her through her daughter in law Ruth who said (Ruth 1:16) Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. And through Ruth’s genealogy, Jesus the messiah was born.

Elijah was one of the few prophets of Israel that had not yet been killed and wanted a meeting with King Ahab to show him the power of God - 450 prophets of Baal and the 450 prophets of Asherah – water and fire – a mighty slaughter of all the prophets of Baal THEN Ahab sent Jezebell to go after Elijah who sat under a tree afraid for his life and wanted to die. YET God wasn’t done with him (1 Kings 19:15-17)  The Lord said to him, "Go back and anoint Hazael king over Aram.  Also, anoint Jehu son of Nimshi king over Israel.”

Job had a great life – wife, kids, land, animals – life was good THEN Satan said to God I want to see if this Job really loves you and God gave Satan permission to do whatever he wanted with Job except taking his life.  Job lost everything – children, property, friends and his health –

(Job 3:1-26)  Then Job broke the silence. He spoke up and cursed his fate:

   Obliterate the day I was born. Blank out the night I was conceived!

   Let it be a black hole in space. May God above forget it ever happened. Erase it from the books!

   May the day of my birth be buried in deep darkness, shrouded by the fog, swallowed by the night.  And the night of my conception — the devil take it! Rip the date off the calendar, delete it from the almanac.

   Oh, turn that night into pure nothingness — no sounds of pleasure from that night, ever!

   May those who are good at cursing curse that day. Unleash the sea beast, Leviathan, on it.

   May its morning stars turn to black cinders, waiting for a daylight that never comes, never once seeing the first light of dawn.

   And why? Because it released me from my mother's womb into a life with so much trouble.

   Why didn't I die at birth, my first breath out of the womb my last?

   Why were there arms to rock me, and breasts for me to drink from?

   I could be resting in peace right now, asleep forever, feeling no pain, In the company of kings and statesmen in their royal ruins, or with princes resplendent in their gold and silver tombs.

   Why wasn't I stillborn and buried with all the babies who never saw light, where the wicked no longer trouble anyone and bone-weary people get a long-deserved rest?

   Prisoners sleep undisturbed, never again to wake up to the bark of the guards.

   The small and the great are equals in that place, and slaves are free from their masters.

   "Why does God bother giving light to the miserable, why bother keeping bitter people alive, those who want in the worst way to die, and can't, who can't imagine anything better than death, who count the day of their death and burial the happiest day of their life?

   What's the point of life when it doesn't make sense, when God blocks all the roads to meaning?

   "Instead of bread I get groans for my supper, then leave the table and vomit my anguish.

   The worst of my fears has come true, what I've dreaded most has happened.

   My repose is shattered, my peace destroyed. No rest for me, ever — death has invaded life."

YET (Job 42:10-17)  The Lord made Job prosperous again and gave him twice as much as he had before. All his brothers and sisters and everyone who had known him before came and ate with him in his house, and each one gave him a piece of silver and a gold ring. The Lord blessed the latter part of Job's life more than the first. He had 14,000 sheep, 6,000 camels, 1,000 yoke of oxen and 1,000 donkeys. And he also had seven sons and three daughters. After this, Job lived a 140 years; he saw his children and their children to the fourth generation. And so he died, old and full of years.

Two from the NEW TESTAMENT

Peter was the number 1 disciple – “The Rock” Jesus called him.

(Mt 16) Jesus asked who do you say that I am? Peter answered “You are the Christ the son of the living God” – Jesus said, blessed are you Simon bar Jonah for flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but my Father who is in heaven.  THEN literally minutes later Peter said the wrong (that he would not let Jesus suffer and die) and Jesus said to Peter – “get behind me Satan. You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.(Mt 17:1-9) YET a week later he took Peter on a ride to the top of another hill where God showed him Moses and Elijah with Jesus THEN Peter tried all he could to hang on to them and keep them there because surely with those two guys the roller coaster ride will stop and all will be well so God made the prophets disappear. YET God had Jesus remain with Peter and confirmed that HE was truly the Christ, the Son of the living God.

Another time Jesus invited Peter to join him walking on the water (something no human had done before or since) and Peter was doing it THEN he put his hands in the air and the top Thrill Dragster dropped over 400’ at 120 miles per hour and splashed down in the water and Peter was about to drown YET Jesus reached down and lifted him up and put him back in the boat.

Peter was among the privileged three to see things no others saw and provide Jesus encouragement that no others could. Jesus asked Peter to stay awake and pray with him because he was about to suffer and die. THEN Peter fell asleep YET Jesus asked him again. THEN Peter fell asleep YET Jesus asked him again. THEN Peter fell asleep YET Jesus did not hold it against him.

Finally, Peter told Jesus that he would go to the death for him and Jesus told Peter he would deny him 3 times before the rooster crowed in the morning. Peter was one of two disciples to stand watching the trial of Jesus from a distance THEN Peter was asked if he knew Jesus and Peter denied knowing Jesus THEN Peter was asked if he knew Jesus and Peter denied knowing Jesus THEN Peter was asked if he knew Jesus and Peter denied knowing Jesus THEN the rooster crowed. YET after Jesus was raised from the dead he prepared breakfast for the disciples on a beach and asked Peter 3 times “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” and 3 times Peter said “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” And each time Jesus replied, “then do ministry in my name and come, follow me!” And Peter knew he was forgiven for his previous denial.
       Saul who persecutes Christians not even getting out of the starting gate for the ride – then talk about a Millennium Force – he becomes Christ's greatest champion. He starts churched from Antioch to Rome and begins winning the Gentile world to Christ!  THEN along the way he has a Christian Roller Coaster ride like none other.

2 Corinthians 11:24-28

24 Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. 25 Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was pelted with stones, three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea, 26 I have been constantly on the move. I have been in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from my fellow Jews, in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger at sea; and in danger from false believers. 27 I have labored and toiled and have often gone without sleep; I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food; I have been cold and naked. 28 Besides everything else, I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches.

YET listen to how he responds:

Philippians 4:11-13
11 I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

      Is your life – specifically your Christian Life a roller coaster ride?  Then be of good cheer - You are in good company – (Like Paul have you learned to be content or is the grass always greener on the other side?  Slides Cow – grass is greener / Horse - 1Green 2 Greener / Greener Grass – Manure / Grass Content) sometimes we succeed sometimes we fail but Christ always is ready to have us get up - forgiven - and get back at it.  You may fall fast and far because of your sin or because of uncontrollable external forces – YET God is always ready to take you up the next hill for a thrill of a lifetime with a promise that he will be right in the front car with you; hands in the air screaming for fear laughing for the fun of it all and always making sure you are protected by his love until the ride pulls into the station where eternity begins a ride unlike anything we have known here.

Whether you are a Christian (a Christ follower) or not – you are living a roller coaster ride – the only question to answer is, who do you want in the seat with you? If you don’t choose Jesus you have chosen Satan – those are the only two choices we have Matthew 12:30a Whoever is not with me is against me.  Joshua 24:15 But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."

Sunday, May 10, 2015

05-10-15 My Mother was a Model

Scripture:   2 Timothy 1:1-7
          I was a model – of tuxedos.  My great Aunt Frannie was a model. Well she was in a traveling dance company similar to the Ziegfeld follies.  My daughter was a model – well she went to Barbazon modeling school. My mother was a model – well, my dad’s assistant for his magic act.  Mothers should be the very best of models – a model for their children – a model of how they should be and who they should be in this life.

What one thing did your mother model for you – not just teach you but she modeled it as something you could emulate in your life?

VIDEO: My mother the model    (

2 Timothy 1:1-7
Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, according to the promise of life that is in Christ Jesus, 2 To Timothy, my dear son: Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. 3 I thank God, whom I serve, as my forefathers did, with a clear conscience, as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers. 4 Recalling your tears, I long to see you, so that I may be filled with joy. 5 I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also. 6 For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. 7 For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

Verse 6     The gift of God which Timothy had received was the Holy Spirit; which gave him a particular power to preach and defend the truth. That gift is represented here, by fire, which must be stirred up and have fresh fuel added or it will go out. The Greek is anazopureo (an-ad-zo-poor-eh'-o); Literally to rekindle.  (My winter leaf fire kept burning when stirred) 

Apparently Lois, Timothy's grandmother, was the first one in the family won to Christ; then His mother, Eunice, was converted. Timothy's father was a Greek (Acts 16:1), so Eunice had not practiced the orthodox Jewish faith. However, Timothy's mother and grandmother had seen to it that he was taught the Scriptures (2 Tim 3:15); and this was great preparation for the hearing of the Gospel. Eventually Timothy believed what had been taught – Christian Faith and further what had been modeled – Christian living – service!

Imparting the scriptures to our children prepares them to receive Christ.  My own daughter tells me that when she put her faith in Christ – she did it because she had never heard that she could. I would like to say that was a failure of the Sunday School classes she had but I better take that blame myself for not having made it clear to my own child how one becomes a Christian.  BUT WAIT – It is not only possible that we had done that, but she was just not ready until that particular time – and she might not have been ready at that particular time if she had not already been taught the scriptures by her parents and some great Sunday school teachers that taught her if she was the only one in her class like there were 15 in her class.  One is as important as many because the many are simply a bunch of ones added together. 

In the biblical worldview, the mission of parents is to raise children to follow God. To that end, God designed the family as the primary unit by which children are cared for, loved, trained, and empowered.

HERE IS THE PROBLEM – as a society we have abdicated the role of educating our children to a challenging education system at best and some have only done a slightly better job in abdicating the spiritual education of their children to the church which has good says and bad.

As most Christian mothers can attest, it is difficult to balance the natural instinct to protect one's child from harm with the necessity to equip the child for life as an adult. Mothers are reminded to love their children - to feel affection for them, to approve of, like, and to have a kind attitude toward them. At the same time, a mother is to train her children to live godly lives (Psalm 78:5-6     He decreed statutes for Jacob and established the law in Israel, which he commanded our forefathers to teach their children, 6 so the next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children.    Also, to model how they, personally, can contribute to God's kingdom work (Proverbs 22:6  Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.  Train = chanak (khaw-nak'); a primitive root; properly, to narrow (train up---by modeling).

Beyond teaching to modeling
What is the most important thing a mother should teach her children? That they are loved by her unconditionally?  That God loves them through the death, burial, resurrection, ascension, and second coming of Jesus Christ?  Obviously number two is of greatest importance but much of that is taught in the context of the first.  However, any mother can love their child without sharing Jesus with them – when they are gone, so is that love.  For those mothers who have, through their love taught their children that God loves them through Jesus; that is a love that lasts for eternity.

          Let me suggest that there is something equally important.  That mother’s teach their children how to love God in Christ.  It is not enough to present a one sided story of God’s love for us, but must be accompanied with a real and practical guide – by example of how we love God.  The pleasure a child feels toward his or her mother is not as much when they know they are loved as when they know they are loving toward their mother. (How I used to clean the basement – great joy)  Likewise, your child’s greatest joy comes not from knowing they are loved by God but by living a life that shows God their love for Him. 

The church would experience the next great awakening if this generation of young mothers would rise up and teach their children (sons and daughters) how to love God daily.  Let me show you what can happen in one or two generations.  (Who here is part of the American Baptist Women’s mission Society?) By 1836, 150 home missionaries were at work in 14 states, two territories and two provinces. Women wanted to help with the work of answering God’s call, but The American Baptist Home Mission Society refused to appoint single women as missionaries. In response, the Women's Baptist Home Mission Society (WBHMS), based in Chicago, was founded in 1877, and Joanna P. Moore became its first fully commissioned missionary. Another women’s society, the Woman’s American Baptist Home Mission Society (WABHMS) was also founded in 1877 in Boston “to extend the kingdom of God among the women and children of America.”  Over the next century, missionaries expanded American Baptist ministry by: Founding 27 institutions of higher education for Freed People after the Civil War; Sending an envoy to Washington to work for treaties favorable to Native Americans; Opening a Baptist Missionary Training School in Chicago; Appointing missionaries to serve in Michigan, New York, Puerto Rico, Alaska and Arizona; Ministering among Japanese Americans in internment camps during World War II; and Leading the way in work with Church World Service to offer new homes to more than 100,000 refugees since World War II.

The work and names changed over the years, then in 1972, the societies began carrying out mission as National Ministries, which if you were here last week, helped found this church and with international ministries support mission work around the world – which could not have been accomplished without women often leading the way.

In just two generations the ABW has grown to a handful of what it used to be? Conversely, if young women will take a stand and model Christian living and service, in two generations we can raise up a mighty army for Jesus. It won’t look like ABW of the past – it will look like new ministries we never imagined but can be even greater than the work done in the past.  Unless soccer practice, dance classes, BBQ’s and leisure are more important. Don’t hear me wrong – there is nothing wrong with any of those – in fact I described our children’s upbringing – but only if they are secondary to modeling Christian living in every aspect of life is first and foremost. 

This is not to say raising a child right will work every time and you will have perfect God fearing children – but the bible allows for this: Deut 21:18-21  If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him, his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders at the gate of his town. They shall say to the elders, "This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a profligate and a drunkard." Then all the men of his town shall stone him to death. You must purge the evil from among you. All Israel will hear of it and be afraid.
        A mother’s goal is to raise her children to be sent out –not to be held onto. Eve was the mother of all living. Sarah was the mother of a nation.  Elizabeth was the mother of John the Baptist – a herald announcing the coming of Christ.  Mary sent her son into His calling by forcing his first miracle.  She could have tried to hold on and suffered less personal pain, but her job was to raise her son to become who God sent him to be. Sarah had to allow the possibility of her son being sacrificed and Elizabeth had to let her son live in the wilderness eating locust and wild honey so he could be obedient to God. And Samuel’s mother? Dedicated him to the Lord form birth because she recognized she was merely the steward of her child on God’s behalf.  When Jesus came to the end of his life here – he gave his mother another son for whom she could be a model – his name is John.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

05-03-15 2000 year Journey through the church - this church - one man; Yet, one thing remains the same!

Scripture:   Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Adapted from an article by Michael Faber
God became flesh in Jesus, born in Bethlehem to Mary and Joesph. He grew up in a small village in Northern Israel called Nazareth. He gathered 12 men as disciples to teach them why he came. He performed miracles. Religious leaders were threatened by Jesus and had him murdered by crucifixion at the hands of the romans. Three days later Jesus rose from the dead, gave proof of his resurrection and further instructions to his disciples and returned to heaven sending His Hole Spirit in His place.

On the day we now call Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came, and the church was born with 3000 new converts.  The Church was persecuted from the beginning; first by the Jewish leaders of Israel who rejected Christ as messiah; then by Jewish synagogues around the world; and finally by the Roman government, who determined Christianity to be an illegal religion, and often imprisoned or killed those who claimed to be Christians.

Then the world literally changed overnight.  Constantine, the Emperor of Rome became a Christian in 323 AD, and declared Christianity to be the religion of the Empire.  Suddenly it was no longer a crime to be a Christian, but a crime NOT to be one.  Up until this time, baptisms were made immediately upon profession of faith because there was no question that the individual believed because of the threat of persecution.

Now people were claiming to be Christians simply because Rome demanded it and had no interest in being faithful to Christ.  It was not long before the Roman government and the Church became indistinguishable.

Over the next 450 years or so, the Church would enact seven major creeds, which defined fundamentally what the Church believes: Nicea (325), Constantinople (381), Ephesus (431), Chalcedon (451), Constantinople II (553), Constantinople III (680), Nicea II (787). 

The Church, in spite of its theological struggles, remained one Church for a thousand years.  But in 1054, the Western Church, which we now know as the Roman Catholic Church  made a minor modification to one of the creeds, and the Eastern Church, which were comprised of the other major Churches, which we now call the Eastern Orthodox Church, did not agree with it; and the church was split in two: East and West.

The two churches remained two churches until the 1500s until an Augustinian Monk by the name of Martin Luther began to have some significant differences with the RCC.  He began to write and engage other church leaders on these matters, and created quite a stir.  Luther wanted to have a debate with the RCC about these matters, and created 95 theses, or statements to be debated.  When the RCC refused, Martin Luther grabbed a hammer and nailed these 95 theses to the door of the local church.  Needless to say that the RCC was not happy about Luther’s actions, and eventually excommunicated him.

Luther had developed quite a following in Germany, and the people there rallied to him, and they formed their own church, to protest the problems within the RCC.  This began what we now call the Protestant Reformation, of which the first church was the Lutheran Church.  Other leaders and churches would follow suit.  Ulrich Zwingli led a reform movement that was supported by the city council of Zurich, Switzerland with Conrad Grebel, and Felix Manz.  They were soon split by a disagreement over infant baptism. A public debate ensued with Ulrich Zwingli defending the practice against Grebel and Manz.  Then, they rebaptized each other upon a confession of faith and began a free (non-state) church just outsize Zurich. The city council decided to continue the infant baptism, and Grebel and Manz were told to submit. Both were arrested, Grebel escaped and Manz was killed by drowning.

About twenty years later, John Calvin gained the support of the Geneva city council. Reform missionaries also reached England, where King Henry VIII had separated the church of England from Rome.  The Protestant Church has grown to become a third wing of the church, comprising many denominations and independent churches that have their roots directly or indirectly in the RCC, but remain apart in protest of theological and practical problems. The Protestants—the Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Pentecostals, etc.—are all splits in the Protestant movement that have happened in the last 500 years.

That brings us to today.  The church remains divided, coping with many disputes between its groups.  Yet, there remains a fundamental element of unity in the church surrounding Christ and the essential beliefs that make us all Christians.  It is now our turn to write a chapter in Christianity’s story.

Hebrews 13:8   Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. 


First Baptist Church History
Chapter One Laying the Foundation 1904-Early 1918
Jim Gentry

          Between 1904 and 1918 the First Baptist Church became a significant congregation within the newly formed city of Twin Falls, Idaho.  The church originated when Hortense Perrine (Wife of Ira Burton Perrine) sent in July 1904 a letter to William Henry (W.H or Henry) Bowler, district missionary of the southern Idaho Baptists, asking him to help develop a church in Twin Falls.  This letter came to Bowler before the first lot was sold in the new community.

In 1903 the Twin Falls Land and Water Company, stimulated by I.B. Perrine,  began preparing to irrigate over 200,000 acres of land by constructing the Milner Dam along with water-distribution canals.  I.B. Perrine was the center of the Twin Falls Investment Company which sold its first town lot on August 1, 1904.

Henry Bowler became district missionary of the southern Idaho Baptists in 1902. In that role, he was also available for preaching services in Shoshone.

In some ways it seems strange that Mrs. Perrine would contact Bowler about establishing a Baptist church.  After all she had attended an Episcopal school and would later join the Twin Falls Episcopal Church.  Interestingly, Pastor Herman Rice of the First Baptist Church of Twin Falls preached her funeral in December 1947.   Perhaps I.B. Perrine’s religious affiliation motivated her; at his death in October 1943 I.B. belonged to First Baptist Church.

Perhaps she hoped a Baptist church would encourage some potential settlers to purchase land from the Twin Falls Investment Company. Whatever her motivation, in sending the letter, she sent it to the right person.  In response Henry Bowler traveled to the Twin Falls town site and selecting a lot on the corner of Fifth Avenue East and Third Street for a future church.  In October 1904 Bowler preached the first Baptist service in town at the Hazen rooming house, which a good Baptist Sister was running. The leading business men of the town, also some of the promoters and capitalists of the Twin Falls enterprise, were present and, though there are not a dozen Baptists in the place, both rooms were crowded, and many had to stand in order to get in.  There was general delight when it was announced that we were going to take up regular work there.”

Hortense Perrine announced that on December 18 Reverend Patterson would preach at the newly constructed school house in Twin Falls.  A box would be placed at the entrance to receive donations to build a Baptist church.  It was announced that she desired “to erect a church which will be a credit to Twin Falls and be in line with the rapid growth of our thriving city.” She reported that $1200 had already been contributed.

In January 1905 Henry Bowler preached revival services in the school building on Third Avenue East with the specific goal of organizing a church. On January 15 a church was organized with twenty-two charter members. At a night service, a motion was made that the church be declared organized with the twenty-two  members and those received for baptism that night to be considered charter members.

          J.H. Schenck was called as pastor in September 1905.  The church paid part of his salary, the American Baptist Home Mission Society paid the remainder.  In spite of early enthusiasm for seeking building funds, the church was slow in obtaining adequate resources.  Finally, after a $500 gift and later a $1,000 loan on December 18, 1907, from the American Baptist Home Mission Society, in 1908  church members constructed their first structure on the corner of Fifth Avenue East and Third Street-present Rock Creek Community Church at 262 Fifth Avenue East.    Starting on October 20, 1908, the railroad chapel car Emmanuel 2 of the American Baptist Publications Society was parked in Twin Falls. During a three month period Pastor E.R. Hermiston and his wife raised money and encouraged the building of Baptist churches in nearby towns.

In the 1910, ten female church members organized the Women’s Missionary Society.   For mission outreach the church asked L.H. Perrine in 1911 to compile information cards about the church to be distributed to local hotels and rooming houses.  After setting a goal of no longer needing the subsidies provided by the American Baptist Home Mission Society, on June 3 the church voted to become “self-supporting” as of July 1, 1911.

Already in 1913 members of the First Baptist Church in Twin Falls began to consider the possibility of constructing a new building.     The Trustees repsponded to real economic problems.  Frequently there was inadequate money to pay the salary of the pastor.   The Deacons noted in 1912 that many individuals did not commit to a stated amount for the budget.  There were others who had pledged a specific amount but were behind on their giving.  The Deacons decided to contact those members. As late as September 1, 1914, church leaders reported that after considering unpaid bills there was only seventy-six cents on hand and pledges were not adequate to pay expenses. 

Ironically, while finances were inadequate, church and Sunday School attendance numbers were expanding.   On July 2, 1913, Pastor Henry reported that church attendance was 185 in the morning and 250 in the evening, the largest attendance since he had arrived in 1910.   

With increased attendance on August 24, 1913, the church membership instructed the trustees to purchase a lot for a future church on Shoshone Street and Sixth Avenue for $2,000.  

          Another turning point in ministry came with the  vote of church membership on November 3, 1915, to join the Brethren, Methodists and Presbyterian in supporting the Oliver Butler Tabernacle meetings in February 1916. Dr. French E. Oliver was a well-known evangelist from the East.   He arrived in Twin Falls on February 12 with a team of five people who assisted him in the services, including the director of a 400 voice choir consisting of local people, with an audience of about 1,500 people.   During the next few days over three hundred conversions to Christianity occurred which funneled new members into the four participating churches.  Between March 28 and June 4 some ninety-four people joined the church with almost fifty of them being baptisms.  One of those new baptized members was Stella Perrine, daughter of I.B. and Hortense Perrine.

After selling the church building, services were held in the new Idaho Theatre at a cost of $25 per Sunday.  On August 20 the Baptist congregation voted unanimously to purchase the old Presbyterian Church sanctuary for $5500.  The following day the Baptist and Presbyterian Trustees handwrote an agreement on the back of a business envelope.  With a new pastor and a different church building there was a flurry of activities.   The church purchased another lot on Sixth Avenue and Shoshone Street for $800.  A new men’s group called “Brotherhood” was organized. 

In 1916 the church published a new First Baptist Church Directory.  99 years later we are about to publish our first interactive online pictorial directory.

During it’s first 14 years the First Baptist Church developed a viable ministry in the community.  The war would also cause young men from the congregation to leave and cause Pastor Anderson to leave the church for a war which would be over before he could be mobilized.  But the war for men’s souls would continue through the church to the present day.

Hebrews 13:8   Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.


By Phil Wade     April 2015

JOHN 6:44     Jesus said “…no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him”

The ringing of our doorbell caught me by surprise.  It was unusual for someone to come by in the evening unannounced, but when I opened the door there was Charlie standing there.  Charlie was a few years older than me and as always he was dressed in a nice suit which gave me the impression he was a white collar worker, only to learn later that he was a mechanic that repaired and maintained the machines at his workplace.  I had come to know Charlie Dodson at the Lutheran Church that we both attended, and he was the most dedicated Christian I knew.  Charlie had heard we were having some problems and was there to see if he could help.  Both of our daughters had been sick all day with high fevers.  Despite applying advice from the doctor’s office and from an RN friend to lower their temperatures both their temperatures continued to remain high.  After talking for a while Charlie asked if he could anoint them with oil and pray for them.  With our permission he went to their bedroom, and in about ten minutes he came back and to our amazement informed us that not just one but both their temperatures had returned to normal (at the same time).  Sure enough we verified that he was right.  The implications of this were not lost on me, and when he later asked if Alice and I would like to receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior we readily agreed.  So on the evening of October 5, 1965 we got down on our knees in our living room and Charlie led us to receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

I was a very unlikely candidate to become a Christian.  I was the product of two great, loving, parents, but my mother was a Christian and my father an atheist.  Mom sent me to a Presbyterian Sunday school where she occasionally attended church, but all I learned from that experience is we should live a moral life and that Jesus was a great teacher, and we should live our lives according to his example.  The thing is I couldn’t see that the way the people there lived was any different than how I had been living.  Don’t get me wrong, they were very nice people, but I felt I also was a nice person.  So, what’s the big deal?  The thought that I might need a savior never occurred to me (savior from what??).

When I went to the University of Oregon one of the first things my chemistry teacher told us was that no matter how many questions science answered there would always be another unanswered question and that eventually it just gets to God and only He can answer the question.  I decided that I wasn’t an atheist but was probably an agnostic.  After two years at the University I transferred to The California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, California.  After receiving my Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering I took a job with Hughes Aircraft Company designing electronics for military applications.  At Hughes I met a young, vibrant lady named Alice whom I married a year later.  We will celebrate our 58th anniversary in July.

As we raised our family we made several trips to Oklahoma to visit Alice’s relatives.  We travelled the now famous Route 66, a two-lane highway that took us from California to Bristow, Oklahoma where Alice was born.  Along the way there was an occasional roadside sign that said “Jesus Saves”.  I would usually think “saves from what?”  After all, I knew I was a good person and probably better than many who called themselves “Christians”.  I figured that if they qualified for heaven then so did I.  I was reluctant to get involved with a church because I had already experienced that.  When Alice got an invitation from our neighbor to go to the Lutheran church up the street she went, but I declined.  It irritated me a bit that she would go but I didn’t forbid it (not that I could have stopped her anyway).  Later we moved to Gardena and while there Alice started attending Loving Shepherd Lutheran Church a small church located nearby, but I refused to attend.  She made some very good friends at church and would tell me about them.  One day she decided to start attending weekly prayer services Wednesday evenings, and she would tell me about healings that were taking place.  This seemed amazing to me and gained my interest in seeing this for myself.  So out of curiosity I started attending the prayer services which I found were directed by lay people and were well attended.  This was the real beginning of my journey to become a Christian. After witnessing some healings I began to attend church services, which at first was confusing to me because of the Lutheran liturgy that I knew nothing about.  When the pastor offered a class I decided to attend and discovered I was the only one in the class.  But it gave me a unique opportunity to ask questions as he went through the whole story beginning with Adam and Eve.  For the first time I began to question what I believed about Christianity, but I wasn’t ready to make any rash decisions.

At church I began to notice the people’s attitudes; their friendliness, their apparent enjoyment they were getting out of serving others, etc.  This made an impression on me that there was something different about these Christians and this drew me closer to them.  Looking back I can see that God was using them to draw me to Jesus.  I began to feel I was part of something bigger than myself and just perhaps I did need a savior.  Finally I decided that this was a choice I would have to make because I wasn’t able to scientifically prove or disprove the gospel message.

          So when Charlie came to our door that October evening in 1965 I made a choice to believe.  Yes, I chose to believe Jesus would save me if I received him as my personal Lord and savior and believed he was who he claimed to be.  Fifty years later I have no regrets for making that decision.

          Thinking now about those 50 years I realize I could have done more to proclaim Jesus, yet I hope that in some way I have helped someone get pushed, pulled, tugged, or drawn toward Jesus ….perhaps someone in the high school Sunday school class I taught or the youth group that Alice and I helped lead, or could I have even been a positive influence to someone here at First Baptist of Twin Falls?  I hope so, but you never know. 

          So, my journey continues……………………….….!!

In conclusion, I refer you to a gospel song from one of Elvis Presley’s CDs.  In part it reflects my unique journey as he sings these words:   “Only believe.  Only believe.  All things are possible if you’ll only believe”.