Tuesday, July 24, 2012

It's about time...to take a nap!

Are you familiar with love languages? My wife Kim says her love language is "sleep."  She loves to take naps - therefore my way to show her my love is to not bother her when she is taking a nap and to even make it possible for her to find time to take a nap.

I usually take a nap on Sunday afternoons.  One of the best places to nap is at our vacation home on Put in Bay (an island in lake Erie).  We have a large rope hammock with pads we hang between 2 trees near the cliff at the water's edge.  A warm afternoon with nothing that has to be done and time in the hammock is peaceful, serene, and amazing, slightly swinging back and forth in the gentle breeze.  What a perfect time to nap.

Do you take naps?  Why?  When?  Where?

Jesus took naps.  He took one in a boat.  Are you familiar with this story?  Can you retell it here in your own words?  Let's start there and I will continue our look at napping throughout the week...if I can stay awake long enough!

From the Heart,
Pastor Jeff Cooper


  1. I love a good nap in a recliner with the breeze blowing through the windows. I usually take one because I get up so early in the morning for work that I feel like my nightly sleep has been interrupted.

    One day Jesus wanted to cross a lake with his disciples. They hopped in a boat and Jesus took a nap. A storm arose and threatened to seize the boat. Tossing and turning it. The disciples cried out to Jesus, calling him "Master" and pleading for help. Jesus awoke and calmed the storm rebuking the waves and the wind. He asked his disciples where their faith was. The disciples were astonished that Jesus was truly the "Master" of all.

    1. Well told Janaan. These short simple s'nap' shots in the life of our Lord tell us so much about him. Even when we think he is sleeping, he is close enough to calm our storm.

  2. I love a nap on a Saturday afternoon. I don't get to do this very often, but I do when I can. Personally, I get motion sickness, & can never sleep in anything moving, let alone a boat on rocky waves. Ugh! I love this story, and it is just one more reason to admire the Savior. In the rocky waves of my life, I often forget that he is there & has the power to calm the waves for me. I can panic, until He reminds me He is with me.

    1. Absolutely Wanda. Amazing how often we try to weather the storm alone. We are tough, we can handle it. All we need to do is make a motion toward Jesus and he is ready to respond on our behalf.
